
Zane didn't look in the eyes of his mother not responding to her, what was he supposed to say that he left Sophia for dead and killed Otis. There wasn't a thing he could say to her or that she could say to him to make him feel better about it, Lori looked at her son realizing she wasn't going to get a peep out of the boy. She wouldn't push him either she realized he was extremely hurt of his brother's current state she still remembered how distraught he was when he heard his father had been shot. Instead, she hugged her son with the care only a mother could give rubbing circles in his back.

Zane sat there unmoving he didn't know what to do as he sat there staring blankly, at the wall of the room they were in while his mother hugged him. All he could think about was the fact that Sophia would never get to feel the embrace of her mother again, while he who abandoned her was still loved by the group. After a while his mother ended the embrace lying beside Carl in the bed, grabbing his shoulder almost like she was protecting him of any harm that could befall him.

Zane and his mother had sat in the room in silence for a while when his father walked in the room, taking his hat off in the process "Hey. I'll sit with him." he said as Zane got up letting his father take his seat as he stood there next to the chair. Zane watched his father look at his brother worry filled his eyes his face forming a frown, Zane tuned his parent out as they talked about the situation. Lori had left to go do something after a while, Rick and his son stayed tho it was night and both sat in silence not saying a word.

"Why, won't you talk?" Rick asked his son breaking the silence. Zane looked at his father wanting to tell the truth, but he wouldn't his father would hate him for what he'd done. He looked down at the floor "Tired." he said lazily. his father looked at his son he was definitely worried about both of his boy's, one shot the other not talking and when he did it was one word at a time. "Zane, I know it's more than that. Talk to me I'm your father." He says trying to coarse his sone to talk to him. "There's nothing to talk about." Zane says quickly leaving the room heading toward their tent, leaving his father there stunned Zane had always talked to him but that recently changed the boy was different.

Zane awoke early the next morning quickly heading outside the tent, doing pushups completing 50 before doing 50 sit-ups then he went over to a tree branch beginning 50 pullups. when he was damn near done Shane walked out of his own tent "Getting to work there aren't we." He says a smile sporting his face looking at Zane, Zane continues not answering finally completing the last one jumping down "Have to keep the figure." He says joking with his basically uncle. Shane laughs at the comment and was about to make a joke himself when Zane quickly stopped him. "Do you think I'm a bad person for what I did to Otis and Sophia?"

Shane looked down he figured guilt had been eating at the boy since that night because it had eaten away at him, while he hadn't pulled the trigger he helped. "No, I don't you did what you had to. To survive and you'll do worse someday it's what the word is now. The others are gonna wanna baby you because you're a kid." He walks up to Zane putting his hand on his shoulder "Not me the old worlds gone, they just can't see it yet. And I've seen you step up and do what most grown men won't." His voice firm as he said all of this, staring and Zane with unmoving eyes letting him know Shane was telling him the truth.