Arcane Blood

"W-W-Was that a coincidence," Asked Talia. Her body shaking at the thought of angering the Heavens.

Shugging knowing full well it wasn't. Zireael smirked. Amused at Talia's fear. "Does it matter? You already have the knowledge."


Quaking in her boots, Talia suddenly froze, twisting her gaze towards the smile upon her master's amused appearance; she clenched her teeth, "Stop messing with me. You know I hate Thunder."

Tapping his arm, Lord Blackwater turned to Aurelia, "So how can Aunty Innis see without eyes?"

"She is in the realm of~."

"Lord Blackwater, please, such information is quite valued. I do not want trouble within my own establishment." Said Innis, appearing with three other waiters holding two large trays, each filled with various entrees.

Eyeing the food full of expectation, Lord Blackwater placed his arms upon his lap, waiting along with everyone. While Innis, along with her staff, placed the various entrees before the young Lord and his group.

Plating four large jugs of Ale before them, Innis smile, taking her leave with grace. Not bothered by Aurelia eyeing the Ale with fervor, Zireael gripped his fork and knife.

Before the group was an entire wyvern caught, killed, skinned, and cleaned by Innis herself. Wyvern meat was known as a delicacy only tasted by a few. With how savage and powerful these beasts were, very few dared to hunt them.

"Why do you always order so much?" Questioned Talia with a greedy glow.

Snorting, Zireael's arms began to flash as he dug into the wyvern tail. Tasting the meat melt within his mouth, the young master moaned bliss, tasting the very herbs used to base the tail. "Oh Innis, how I wished you were born in my realm. Then you could cook for me every day."

Tearing into the meat, Aurelia's eyes suddenly grew wide like saucers as she glared towards Zireael, whose entire plate was filled with perfectly cooked crimson meat overflowing with juices. Pushing his entire body upon the floor, Aurelia's hands flashed as she stuffed a large portion of the wyvern tail meant to feed ten down her throat.

"SON OF A BITCH!" Cursed Zireael as he gripped the blade upon his back.

Rushing towards him, Talia hugged his arm, "SHE IS A CHILD!!"

"So am I! " Zireael Barked.

Shooting Zireael, a victorious grimace, Aurelia continued to tear into the wyvern tail. In a matter of seconds, it vanished to Lord Zireael's dismay.

"How the hell," Cursed Talia. Questioning how a small girl could finish something meant for ten people. With Zireael, she could understand, he was a monster, but Aurelia had no cultivation.

"AHHHH!" Howling Zireael charged in rummaging through the food without any discretion. Only to gasp at the young devil cramming food down her throat in pure savagery.

"You're a damn animal at least...Wait! Wait!!! Don't touch me!" Yelled Zireael, leapling away from the grease-coved Aurelia, who began stealing his food.

Staring at the Duo battle amongst each other, Talia sighed, "My lord, how low have you fallen? It's just food. Just order more!"

Within a few minutes, the entire table was clear out while the young master Zireael stared in dread. Sulking while Aurelia patted her stomach that had not been affected in the slightest.

"So, can I order more?" Talia questioned, staring at Zireael.

"No, pay the bill and get Innis." Commanded the Young master as he glared towards the satisfied young girl.

Bowing towards her, Lord. Talia took her leave. When Aurelia's entire body began to shiver, narrowing his eyes, Lord Zireael frowned, drawing closer, studying her skin that was turning crimson.

Clenching her heart, large globs of tears began to overflow from her eyes, "Aurelia, feel warm,"

"This is what happens when you are greedy." Zireael childishly barked. "Just relax. You are fine. It may hurt a bit, but all the excess Arcana is gathering within your heart. Congrats, you should enter the first stage of Refinement in a few months, assuming we eat this every day."

Biting her lips, Zireael's words were not much comfort. Curling into a small ball, cold sweat began to pool from her body. Shivering, the young girl began to groan.

Narrowing his gaze of the young girls whose hair was shifting between silver and black, the young lord's gaze began to glimmer. With his world turning into nothing but pixilated fragments, Lord Zireael's lips curled into a dark, sinister smile.

"You will do perfectly," he whispered, the glowing light within his pupils fading like fleeting clouds.

"My Lord!" Shouted Talia, "What happened? Is she alright?"

Charging towards Aurelia, Lord Zireael turned his cold gaze upon the pale gaze of Innis, " I wish for you to train this girl."

Opening her pale eyes wide, Innis shook, "My Lord, I am retired."

"You are to be by my estate the first thing in the morning." Commanded Zireael without care, walking away, "Talia bring the girl. We are leaving."

Stepping outside, the piercing rays of starlight shot into Lord Zireael. Taking a breath of the filth air of mortality, his lips curled towards the murky Heavens that held bits of drizzle upon the land. "I have found my champion. So what will be your response?"

"Lord Blackwater, a word if you please?" A deep voice called out.

Turning towards a scrawny man dressed in crimson robes with a wolf emblem upon his chest. Zireael's brow shot up. There was a graceful air to this stranger before him, with a deep air of sandalwood emanating off his skin. However, many within Valmor knew the name Blackwater, but none dared to whisper his, much less call upon his cursed name.

Tilting his head back to Talia, who was cradling the shivering Aurelia, Lord Zireael spoke, "Get her to my manner and have Anima prepare everything for a refinement bath for the little shit. Arcane Blood is rare."

Widening her eyes, Talia nodded in understanding, shooting towards the carriage a few feet away.

"Lord Blackwater?" The Scrawny stranger called out once more.

"And who am I speaking with?" Asked Zireael in a measured manner. His gaze cold marking the crimson clothing of the various men hidden within the streets of Valmor.

With a mocking smile, the scrawny man bowed, "How rude of me. I am Gilbert. Second in command of the Crimson Wolves Gang." He stated with pride, ignorant of who he was addressing.

Taking a step back, the cold winds of an arrow shot past Lord Zireael's nose. Yet his gaze never left Gilbert, whose mouth opened wide.

"Hmmm, I take it you are new?" Whispered Zireael without any intent within his tone, "So tell me, Sir Gilbert, what is a knight doing attacking me?"

Gulping down, Sir Gilbert backed away, feeling the cold icy grip of lady death upon his soul, "how-how -How did you know?!" He barked in trepidation.

"Your scent and stance give it all away. It's not very clean as the King's Right hand Vincent, but it's quite good. So Sir Gilbert, before I do something, we will both regret. Do you mind telling me what a knight is doing attacking a Duke?"

Bending to one knee, Sir Gilbert shivered, "Lord Blackwater, I was only told you were a mere Baron, my lord. I had no idea you were the real one."

Hearing the whimpering, a few of his fellow brother in arms slowly came out from the shadows, falling to one knee beside Sir Gilbert.

"We were told that Duke Blackwater was touring the countryside with Lady Talia and that a self-proclaimed Lord going by the name blackwater was also here," explained Gilbert in a fearful manner.

"I am finding it hard to believe that an imperial knight was so foolish as to charge headfirst without doing his homework." Said Zireael, not at all fooled by the little play going on.

"Duke Blackwater, there are no drawings of you. We had no idea what your real appearance was. All we were given to go on was a drawing of the imposter. We were sent to investigate. As for how that arrow was fired, we have no idea." Explained Sir Gilbert as those around began to nod in agreement.

Pondering for a moment, Lord Zireael stared up towards the blinding star. Narrowing his eyes for a moment, he chuckled, "It's fine, but that would mean someone within the Imperial Order tried to frame me or incite an incident."