
Pressing his weary head against his pillow beside his wife, King Cyrus, a rather handsome man with rugged features, stared into the sky blue eyes of his Queen.

"What is it?" She invited, hoisting the comforters from her neck.

"You know what?" He whispered, slipping his arms below the comforters.

Licking her soft sensual lips with a fiery passion, Queen Marigold mischievously slapped his hand away, "Cyrus," she whispered, slowly crawling from under the blankets upon her husband. She smiled—her face inches from his.

"Um, should I come back at another time?" Vincent's Solas, Hand of the Crown mischievously questioned. Only now knocking upon the chambers of the king.

"Fucking hell!" King Cyrus whimpered, looking up at the mocking grin upon his wife. "You knew he was there?"

"Of course, that should teach you to learn how to cast. It's because of you our daughter neglected the mistic art."

Appalled, King Cyrus tossed his wife from him; hearing her pearly laughter, he begrudgingly arose, glaring at his friend.

"Vincent, you blasted cockblocker. This had better be good."

"But of course, I would not be here if it were not. It is, after all, the dead of night." Vincent uttered, losing his smile. "It's bad."

"Bloody hell, what is it this time? "

"Zireael Blackwater,"

Releasing a deep breath, both Cyrus and Marigold arose, stepping outside the king's Chambers into his office located within the castle's west wing.

"What happened?" Queen Marigold asked, ready for the worse.

"From our spies, he killed the entire squad of Knights sent by the Empire of Broma." Vincent eerily whispered, "The Prince saw his face and saw him kill his last guards."

"My god!" King Cyrus exclaimed," Did he hurt Prince Lydon?"

"No, but words were spoken between the two. From what I gather, Peace could still be attained since Lydon is still continuing his journey, but..."

"But blood will fall. Zireael would not do this without reason. This was a warning; however, I cannot say if it was for him or us." Queen Marigold expressed, "Vincent, what can you tell us about the words shared between those two?"

"Nothing," Said Vincent, "I have asked my spies to call upon the Spirits but nothing. It's like what happened is hidden from wandering eyes."

Descending in silence, a heavy air consumed the three lords of Ferrum. Peace was an objective many of them have been striving for years for centuries even. Yet now, with a single move from a child, it could all be gone.

Suddenly, a stifling knock echoed throughout the silent room bring everyone out of their dismay.

"Enter," said Cyrus.

Entering with haste, Cain Simiaon, an elderly man with sharp brows and a long, well-groomed snow-white beard, bowed, curling his arm to his chest, and lowered his head. "We have just received word from Prince Lydon of the Broma empire. Your Grace!" He said in a long-winded voice.

Taking the letter from his hand, Vincent eyed the Golden Griffen's symbol sealing the contents. Breaking the seal, Vincent's arms began to tremble.

"That blasted idiot! " Vincent screamed, losing his cool for the first time in a long time.

Shocked by his outburst Queen Marigold took the letter, her eyes widening as she too trembled, "That bastard... Zireael is a blasted monster! Just for that, he would condemn so many? Does he not care?"

"WHile Zireael was wrong, the knights should have never crossed him the way they did," Vincent barked, turning to the king, "Valis Cornma needs to die! It doesn't matter if it's the fault of the church!"

"Kill fucking Valis? He is a Lord of the Seven Isles and controls one of the most significant mines within our kingdom! He bought his position. Do you really think it doesn't have privileges?" Cyrus shouted, slamming his fist against his office table. "If we are to go to war, his family will be the ones to finance us! He cannot die!"

"Read the damn Letter Cyrus, all of this was because Valis overstepped. What do you think Zireael will do once he finds out Valis still lives? or when Lydon knows his men died for nothing?"

"Hold your tongue, Vincent!" King Cyrus growled, "You will do well to remember your place!"

"As would you! We have two options, we kill Valis, or we frame another magister! All of which have heavy ties within our kingdom."

"We cannot lose Valis. Send word to Zireael regarding our decision. I am sure he will not be surprised, but we cannot afford for him to run loose like this again. Also, summon that damned fool!"

"He shall be here within the hour, your grace," Said Cain, hastily taking his leave.

Pushing past the doors, a dark silence filled the three lords. Their thoughts all wrapped around the actions of one child.

"What do we do about Zireael?" Queen Marigold somberly asked.

"Nothing," Both Cyrus and Vincent dismissively said at once

Shocked, Marigold shot to her feet, staring at her husband, "What?"

"You two talk. I will go to the Church of Azalea. We need to find out what the hell is going on. I am sure Valis will not speak much!" Said Vincent taking his leave without another word.

"I am waiting," Queen Marigold voiced.

"You think it's fear? I remain silent?" King Cyrus asked.

"Is it not?"

Meeting with cold silence, Cyrus arose, turning to glare out at the cloudy moon shimming with light.

"It is. When Vincent and I first met Zireael, all we felt was fear. His estate had just appeared, decimating everything around it. While Valmor was nothing more than a Getto, it is still a part of my kingdom. So he and I set off, arriving a few days after its arrival. Entering his estate, we were met with a cold, no evil power that tore at my soul, consuming not just me but Vincent. At that moment, we felt our very life force fading. That day I last fifty years of my life, while vincent a hundred due to protecting me. However, we never stopped, not when we lost so much."

"What did you... what did you all see?" She reluctantly asked,

"A child no more than a few months if not days old. A young boy, his name, Zireael. At the time, he held no last name, simply going as such. We never saw him move, only smile, yet it did not reach his eyes. He did not speak much, simply watching us squirm like worms as our bodies began to be drained.

"How? How could he be so powerful?"

"To this day, I do not know how powerful Zireael is, but both Vincent and I know it was not him stealing our lifeforce but rather the manor itself. For what reason, we do not know, but what we do know was that there was nothing protecting Zireael neither. He laid bare and defenseless. yet I did not dare attack."

"So you gave him a title and allowed our daughter to study under him after she ran away." Said the Queen with a chilling expression.


"Well, we must do something now even if death awaits us. This is our kingdom Cyrus, not his. Even if it must be destroyed, we must rule it. Zireael is not our master."