Crypt of Fal'Tor

Blinking her eyes awake, Aurelia turned to a deep set of brooding silver suns glaring. Puzzled, she rose hesitantly, "Um, what happened?" She dreadfully muttered, a little intimidated by the intensity of heat pressing against her heart.

"Nothing," said Zireael, betrayed by his hard eyes.

"Your staring," Replied the young girl, backing away. "Aurelia no like!"

"Coo! Coo! Cooo!" added the Baby Owl, leaping into Aurelia's embrace.

Suprise, she caught the owl, holding it to her cheek, she beamed, "See! Coo agreed... Are we really going to call it that?"

The young Lord shut his eyes to the world for a second or two, nodding in agreement. "till she gains sentience, I think Coo is fine. That's all she can say anyway."

"You're so lazy. I will pick one then." Aurelia challenged, feeling the young Lord did not have any sort of imagination.

"We will see. Wake everyone. It's time to leave. " He indifferently muttered. Plagued by his very eyes that were surrounded by what appeared to be pixels, he frowned as they began to connect to one another by strings he called The Weave.

The Weave was infinite in size, representing life, death, and all it held in between and more. It was boundless stretching form from reality and beyond. There was no containing the Weave, for it was beyond comprehension standing on its own.

Losing the glow within his dim eyes, the young boy rued in response to his understanding, "Someone manipulated mine and Aurelia's energy and blood, but not using the Weave as I do. It seems like that ability is mine and mine alone. But this was done using some unknown type of force I had never faced before. I need to be ready next time." he robotically muttered to himself, unaware of his words.

"Anima, I will relay the data. Categories as Omega level. Defenses counters would be a strong soul or Astral energy, and other types of unknown energy regarding souls. Gather records from Zero concerning this level of threat. I will correspond with him at a later date." He continued startling the young children, slowly beginning to wake due to the brutal slaps upon their faces.

Enjoying herself, Aurelia dismally pouted towards the swollen face of Sionn. Weeping like a lost child, she leaped from off his body, ignoring the crying boy rushing towards Zireael, lost in his world.

Not sure whether she would disturb him, the young sorceress remained docile. Figuring he needed time, she recalled the dreadful stare from before.

"Recorded!" Anima equally replied, matching the tone of its master. "Zero has received! Current information will be deleted, and time nodes will be destroyed. Request to destroy 'V' Nordes?"

"Denied!" He said without a beat. "Nodes were destroyed the moment the Weave intertwined.

"Zireael?" Aurelia whispered, returning the young Lord to the real world once again. Startled, he turned to the children patiently waiting on him.

"Sorry. Something happened." He mentioned not going to further detail, seeing no point to. "Anyway, shall we?" he beckoned with a false smile.

Walking ahead Ella, and Sionn, whispered with Aurelia regarding the strange behavior of Duke Blackwater. Nevertheless, such troubles soon faded.

Hearing the echoes of various clatter over the marble floors, they grew silent and alert for any type of surprise. With the Alarm spell active, Sionn followed behind Zireael.

However, the more they travel, the more they begin to notice the endless webs growing broader and thicker. Like entering a sea of webs, all the children could see was a silver tunnel. Fearful of what could be ahead, they paused.

"What is this place?" Aurelia finally asked, unable to hide her curiosity.

"No idea, but it seems to be related to dragons." Said Zireael, pushing through, cutting through some webs to a hidden door beneath the cobwebs. Pushing it open, he crept slowly inside when all of a sudden, a glint of a dagger flashed towards his left eye.

Tilting his head, he dodged with ease, but Sionn was oddly enough prepared. Arriving towards the attacker the moment the glint ran cold, slashing his blade towards his chest. The Stranger expression twisted, dodging the swift blade of a child. He Leaped to safety, grim to the bone.

"What are you doing in the Crypt of Fal'Tor?" Said the man that appeared to be a scholar by the way he dressed. He appeared in a long gold and silver robe that was tightly fitted to his body. Its size was the perfect length, revealing no slack. The stranger was finely dressed, holding a special air to him and the scent of ink.

"Are you here with The Red Priest?" Zireael patiently said, eying the dagger consumed with particular runes on its base.

"Have you seen him! By Tyr's Graces, I have been saved!" he shouted in tears sheathing his silver dagger." I am Drilon, A Salem Scholar!" He introduced with a graceful bow.

"Salem? A man was able to enter the Black Forest?" Zireael asked, shocking Drilon to his core, "I had heard that only women are allowed in. Should a man enter Salem, then only death will follow. Their souls will be ripped from their bodies forced to experience eternal torment."

"Iluthath!" Drilon gleefully shouted, "You hail from the Realm of Blood! By the Guiding Star of Azalea! Who are you! You know what? I don't care. Tell me more!"

"You're a Scholar, so that means it's a school you're talking about, is it not?" Zireael muttered darkly, "So that must mean a Salem witch or witches resides here. Only they would dare use such a name."

"I am afraid I do not know. Aside from the Red Priest, no one knows who owns the Acadamy of Salem." Drilon particularly muttered, pondering over the implication like he had done so many times over. There were many whispers within his academy but no answers.

"Um, what was this Fal'Tor you're talking about?" Aurelia suddenly asked, with Ella radiating a divine glow that caught the attention of all that saw her.

Scrunching his brow, the Scholar only now frowned, recognizing them for what they were, Children. However, eyeing the silver Lord with a scrutinizing gleam, he explained," Fal'tor was a Hero of Iluthath. He was no mage but rather a mighty warrior who fell at the hands of a corrupted evil—known as the Seven headed Dragon Tiamat.

Narrowing his eyes at the name of Fal'Tor, who he had never heard of, Zireael listened to Drilons tale, "The battle lasted, seven nights that consumed the Ebon Forest before Fal'Tor managed to tear a single Scale from her draconic body. Surprised, Tiamat finally acknowledged this Great Hero, killing him in a single blow before gifting him a Grave for his accomplishment.

"He was part dragon, was he not? Tiamat would only do such a thing if this person were related to her kind in some way." Zireael said with a stern tone.

"Correct!" Drilon shockingly said, "Fal'Tor was a Dragonkin, part human part dragon. It was said his skin was a golden color covered in scales of his draconic mother, Fal'Mor. "

Imagining how he looked, Aurelia drew closer, but Sionn placed his shield out to halt her step, "Do not trust him!" The boy warned with deep concern, not daring to trust a man he had never seen. He was, after all, a human. The same scum that had him tormented.