Bloodstained Fallen

A bloodlust shone through Aurelia's eyes as she stood surrounded by the Cre'von. Feral gowls echoed through the winds, revealing scarlet eyes glued upon the golden-eyed girl.

The Fallen smiled charmingly, gripping the scimitar firmly in her hands. She parted her legs, raising her blade high, and hovered the Eldritch Staffed over her wrist.

Not waiting for her enemy to move, a stream of golden-black Arcana fluttered from her body like a flame. Wrapping her in an Angelic glow that seemed corrupted to its core, two wings, black and gold, sprouted from her body.

Howling to the heavens with rebellion, a burst of bloody laughter resounded from Aurelia's cherry lips as the ground splintered into a web of cracks. Tearing off herself off the ground, a deafening boom shook the Redwoods as a beam of Golden light flashed through the dreadful Army of Cre'von.

Meeting the first Fiend in her path, she growled, "Chasing Daybreak - Rain," Flickering her scimitar through the stagnant breeze, leaving the razor-sharp glint of a golden black Arcana trailing behind her blade, blood raced into the skies.

Like the Morning Dawn had appeared in the skies, the glint of Arcana trailing behind Aurelia's blade, known as Astral Blades, did not fade but remained; Acting both as a defense and offense technique. The lingering flash of Arcana served to sever anything that passed through it.

Flashing her blade till all that remained was a web of Astral Blades, Aurelia stood in a pool of blood and limbs stabbing her scimitar into the ground; she spoke, "Rain!"

At her command, the web suddenly expanded, cutting to pieces hordes of Cre'von, whose intelligence mimicked a feral wolf. Slashing anything that came into contact with her blade, the Astral Blades stretched over ten meters before fading.

Drenching her body in warm sweet blood that trailed over the Fallens lips, her smile only grew at the army that had shrunk considerably.

"This is fun—so much fun. Zariel never allowed me to cut loose like this." She lustfully proclaimed, eyeing the fifty or so Cre'von racing towards her.

"Firebolt!" She chanted with a swift incantation, bringing three small sigils that gleamed a scarlet light into the air. Firing off in quick succession like ballistic fire, they rained over the battlefield, creating sounds of war.

Howls of despair and pain crept into the breeze, staining the Fallens cheeks, littered with blood. Wishing for nothing more than carnage and suffering, the blade that moved like water rippled with savage intent.

No longer did she cut to kill but to suffer. Meeting only flesh and bone, of those that dared to enter her blades reach. The playful song of cries whispered through the Redwoods luring the attention of many.

It wasn't long before more and more Cre'von began to show, from the black ether of the void. Racing into the redwoods in an almost seamless manner, the cries of despair only ran louder as the tenth wave had begun.

Hundreds of Cre'von remained alive, bleeding over the ground, powerless, carrying over a hundred vicious gashes that reveal the bones. Tears flowed from their eyes as whimpers reached her ears.

"Life Steal!" Aurelia cruelly declared as the hum of the Eldritch staff shone, pulsing with a sinister glow. The Young Fallen did not cast a spell she knew, but rather one held within the Ancient Staff in her possession.

At its first level, the Staff of Eldritch held only two spells. Demonic Lance required life force, and Life Steal took life force from those too weak to defend themselves.

Shrieking like a pig to the slaughter, the fiendish laughter of a devil of the nine raced into the skies darkening the clouds, as an elegant crown flashed with transparency over her head.

Withering the land, the grass, and the Cre'von, the wings within Aurelia's core grew vibrant. Shining like an expansive star, her true body on Alos began to shimmer, regaining its youthful appearance. No longer was it rotting, like a carcass.

Tasting the blood at her fingertips, the harsh scent of death raced into Aurelia's nose as she looked out at the ashen bodies of the Cre'von.

"You have grown, my Queen," Eldritch, the soul of her staff, claimed. "But may I have your ear for this moment?"

"So you finally speak," Aurelia uttered, basking in the warmth of the blood cascading down her flesh. Taking it all in, a blissful euphoria she didn't quite understand touched her heart and soul.

"I was too weak before my lady. I was saving myself, only to address you when needed or when I had gained enough life force." He respectfully swore. "It was not my attention to hide, my Lady."

Lifting her staff, The Fallen stared at the Eldritch Staff glowing with a captivating blackish violet color. Taken in by its color, she smiled, "What is it you need?"

"For you to rise. It was my destiny to serve the one to wake me. The Silver Devil did not wish for me, so he gave me to you. I am here to help you in ways the Devil cannot." Eldritch promised in a charming tone.

"How?" Aurelia inquired, not entirely trustful of the hidden soul she could not see but hear.

"I will show you the ways of the Dark Arts. The ability to raise the dead, the power to steal a man's soul. You may even be granted the Aura of Exterimation with my knowledge."

The fallen smiled, "Cleanse." She swiftly chanted, cleaning the blood from off her flesh and clothing in a magical wave of energy. She fixed her tunic and pondered for a quick second. "What do I need to do?"

Hidden within the Eldritch staff, a black soul flame smiled, "slaughter. Steal the life of all till you begin stealing the souls of your enemies. You felt that power, didn't you?"

Aurelia Touched her chest, and a warmth spread throughout her soul as she nodded. "I did. But I don't understand why."

"Because you're hungry!" The Lord of Nightmares whispered wickedly. "You may not see it, you may not even understand it, but your body does. Look at what you did. Two hundred Cre'von dead, tormented with your vicious blade and left to wither away.

There was a brief moment of pause in Aurelia as she turned to look at the endless horde of bodies. Her eyes grew wide, and her arms began to shake. Covering her mouth, her stomach twisted, threatening her with vomit.

Recalling her sinful actions, a bitter-sweet feeling touched her mind. Both disgusted and satisfied confusion raced over her heart.

"What happened to me?"