Tales of a Silver Devil

Speeding like a phantom against the grass wet with the Dew of Dawn, Baldor, draped in a heavy sweat, zoomed at an unbelievable speed, catching Nila. In an instant, He bolted out of the way.

Everything had happened so fast, but the moment Baldor took Nila away, a horrid power carrying the deepest evil skimmed over Aurelia's palm, flashing over her palms like bolts of emerald black arches of lightning that devoured life. Reaping the souls of everyone present, a beam, so foul nausea clung to the back of their throats, like dung on a wall.

Releasing Necrotic Blade from her palm, the beam Sionn could see resemble an emerald black sword pierced through the void like hot butter, and the ground in an instant continuing till only a sea of withered plants remained.

"Aurelia!" Sionn and Ella howled, desperately rising to her side; as they saw how powerful that spell was, they knew a backlash was coming. However, as they gazed upon her flesh, still carrying a healthy pink, confusion ran through their minds.

"Bitch!" Nila cried. Staggering to stand, her cheeks pale by the reaper blades. In contrast, her legs struggle to stand. She fell to her knees, vomiting her stomach content. Groaning till tears sprang from her eyes, she hurled a black ooze that withered her hair and aged her bones.

"What did you do?" Caldor snapped. Charging to their side, he peered down and then to Baldor, who seemed okay but was somewhat pale.

Casting a dark eye filled with malice towards Caldor, the young man fell silent, and his legs shook. When all of a sudden, a large virtual screen appeared—revealing a silver-headed young man whose hair matched his eyes were resting grimly on the snow.

"First off, how did you screw this up? She was right there?!" He howled angrily," Not to mention you are using that spell wrong. It's a part of your inherited memories, you idiot. You can't screw this up!"

'Screw you dumb-dumb!" Aurelia barked, raising the finger to her, Master.

Zariel rolled his eyes lazily upon the ice. "That is an enchantment dummy. Capable of being able to enchant both your sword and your spells. However, it requires soul essence. So be wary, how many times you use it. You can cast it about five times before you die or cripple yourself, from what I can see. " her Master stated, closing his eyes. He took a deep breath and sighed, revealing a weak complexion.

Aurelia frowned and looked down to her waist at the blade by her side. Tracing her fingers over the hilt, she raised her small head to Zariel, resting his eyes.

"How strong will it be?"

Severing the connection with Aurelia, her brow scrunched, but she said nothing. Knowing he had helped her far more than she even needed.

Baldor narrowed his eye and turned upwards towards the clear skies. "He looks almost familiar. Doesn't he?" He uttered hesitantly but shook his head a moment later, dismissing that train of thought.

"Let's go," Tena suggested. She stared heavily at Nila, whose fingers had aged considerably, then towards the Fallen. Who seemed relatively passive at what she had done.

"What about what happened?" Caldor raged. "She almost killed Nila and Lord Baldor!"

"Do forgive me, Baldor." Aurelia swiftly declared, then continued, "but as for that little horse shit there. If she dares touch what my brother and sisters fought for, we have a problem. Pull your wieght, like Baldor, Sionn, and Ella. Then you can have a piece at the table."

Starstruck, Caldor placed his hands upon the grip of his sword. "A demonic cultivator like you dares to act like taking life away like so was justified. Do you know who she is?" he barked solemnly.

The Fallen smiled and pulled her sword from its shieth and chuckled. However, Baldor was a little quick, "That's enough the both of you." He uttered, standing in between them an arms-length apart. "Aurelia was in the right. Caldor, get over it. Nila disrespected a fellow Arcanist. It's her fault. Her parents didn't raise her right."

Lifting her head, Nila carrying a maleficent glared and staggered to her feet. She held onto Caldors shoulder to support her still trembling legs, "It's fine," She swore sharply. "Let's just go before the next wave starts."

Wiping the filth from the edges of her mouth, Nila held onto Caldors broad shoulder and led him towards her tent, where they began deconstructing her tent together in silence.

Smiling victoriously, Aurelia giggled, "That felt good."

"Who was that boy?" Baldor suddenly asked, startling everyone. 'he reminds me of the story of the silver devil. Silver hair and silver eyes. After that day, almost everyone in Iluthath made sure to change their hair color."

"He is just our Master," Aurelia lied, without missing a beat. Like it was second nature, she continued, "Why do they call him silver devil, by the way?"

Scrunching his brow, Baldor shot Aurelia a confused stare. "You don't know? How is that possible? Everyone knows."

"He earned that name here." Said Tena coldly. "Did you know there were two ways of completing this trial?" She said as a sinister shiver ran through her flesh. "One is by surviving. The other is by slaughtering everyone till the lords stop you."

"The Silver Devil earned his name because he glowed like a Silver God. Back then, someone had managed to sneak in a powerful tool that was capable of summoning a tier seven bolt of lighting." Baldor added on. "In the heat of battle, alongside his brother. A man by the name of Syvon Winterblack pulled out this artifact to kill his brother. However, it was there the silver devil struck.

"Pushing his brother out of the way, he bore the brunt of the Violet lightning raining down over the Redwoods, turning everything to ashes. That was when everyone gazed upon a diety wrapped in silver rise into the air. Devouring a Tier Seven Spell in a mortal body, The Silver Devil, with his godly control, carried the power of the tier seven spell and slaughtered everyone in a flash of Silver. That was when everyone came to know of the cripple, hated by the Heavens was not so much a cripple. Who needed the heavens when you could just take its power whenever you wanted?"

Aurelia, alongside her family, shook in shock. However, that shook only grew, as Baldor continued, "You would have thought that was it, but the Silver Devil was not in the least bit alone. Everyone has been trying to analyze it, but he had managed to copy the exact effects of the Tier Seven Lightning and granted that power to his elder brother. You see, he knew someone would stop him, so he tricked everyone. Using himself as a decoy, he allowed his brother to kill the rest. They were only two survivors in the end."