House Lazarus

Striding through the grand halls of the Imperial Palace of Iliah with his hands pressed tightly against his back, Aldwyn's tense brow could not have deepened more, having left his King's side. He was not in the best mood, as dealing with the Black Hand was always tricky.

A mindless beast is what he foresaw them to be. It mattered not if the target was a child, much less a newborn whose eyes had yet to catch a glimpse of the realm. The Black Hand would snuff out its life as one would a flame.

Making his way towards the Western Wing of the Imperial Palace and down the spiraling stairs till the seven suns and moons of Iluthath didn't reach his eye. He stopped and surveyed his surroundings. Knowing the western wing was off-limits to most. Aldwyn took no chances when it came to protecting House Lazarus. Exposure meant death.

Tapping his foot twice against the ground, he pitched his finger and dropped a single droplet of blood over the round crest of two serpents coiling around a withered tree beneath his feet. Suddenly Aldwyn vanished, appearing more than a thousand kilometers below the castle's surface. He materialized within a highly advanced chamber, guarded by seven men with metal for skin, and azure lights for eyes. They appeared to be human, but life did not seem to radiate for their bodies, and their skin was as cold as their robotic heart.

"Aldywn Ashford, confirmed," the Seven Iron Androids hollowly identified simultaneously. "How may we be of service."

"Give me a full report over the events throughout the Exalted Wheel," Said Aldywn, treading ahead into the underground laboratory as a single android followed. Ignoring the blinding light of the facility brought, Aldwyn made his way deeper in.

"News from the badlands have reached us two hours ago. Tensions are rising, with Nexus strife with unending wars. Lord Vaga of Nexus, homeworld to the Badlands, wishes a word with the First Prince of House Lazarus. We predict Lord Vaga wishes to secure the celibate Prince in marriage."

"Vaga is a fool. The First Prince is greedy for the Blackened Throne and has several Blood Lords under his disposal. He will not risk heading into the Badlands." Aldywn irritably exclaimed, pressed at the idea of the Prince entering the Badlands. "Inform the First Prince, let him deal with this. He is more than capable of dealing with this matter."

"Confirmed," Said the android, known as 7-D, without emotion as Aldwyn slowly made his way onto an elevator. Racing even further down, a touch of annoyance slowly brewed over his tense brow.

Allowing the android to continue its report, the elevator came to a halt, bringing Aldwyn to his destination. "Finally," he lamented, shaking his head, "I hate coming all the way down here when dealing with outside forces. Why can't the Black Hand use ravens or owls?"

Standing in what seemed like a barren cave without the slightest bit of light, much less technology, the scent of mold, rot, and blood could be quickly caught in the air.

"Return to your post, 7-D," said Aldwyn as he moved through the darkness without fear or concern; a sudden lazy voice caught him off guard, but not enough to reach into the void and draw his glaive.

"Uncle? Is that you?"

"Second Prince, Neo," Said Aldwyn, bowing his head as he came upon an opening littered with bones of small creatures. "What brings you here? You should know the Black Hand is reserved only for the King's use." He warned, tempted to raise his voice.

Cloaked by the darkness, the scarlet fire-like mane of House Lazarus could be seen trailing down Neo's broad shoulders. He crossed his arms over one another while his emerald green eyes burned with curiosity, "I won't tell father if you won't," he said rather playfully. "What brings you down here, Uncle."

"Zariel has returned, and there is proof," Aldwyn answered gravely, peering deeper into the cave pooling with untamed darkness. "Did you replace the fairy blood you used? Only the purest blood can be used to summon the Black Hand."

"Zariel, dear god," whispered the frightened Neo, losing his casual demeanor. He stood frozen in place as memories of that day washed over his soul. He would never forget that day, much less the second that lasted years. Never would he forget the brothers and sister he lost to the Silver Devil. "I replaced it with the blood of a few virgins from the Elfgrim Forest. Those amazons are without a doubt the closest things to nature. It should have the same effect." He finally answered, unable to hide the torn in the back of his throat. Turning his back, he then beckoned for Aldwyn to follow.

"Do the others know of his survival?' He asked, but Aldwyn held his tongue, falling into great deliberation. Should he report his finding to the Second Prince? While not confidential, Neo was no fan of the Silver Devil.

"If they don't, they will," said Aldwyn and approached a large alter tainted with the blood of the innocent. He could still smell the freshness of the blood Neo had just used. It made his stomach twist. He had no problem killing enemies or political adversaries, but he drew the line somewhere.

"Shall I do the honors?" Neo gestured, turning back, with a solemn stare.

"You are already there."

Neo chuckled wryly, knowing Aldywn loathed the Black Hand. He not so much. The Black Hand was always a means to an end to him. After all, what kind of king fear getting his hands dirty?

Stepping up the stairs that led to the Alter, Neo saw a small closed vial of ruby-red blood he had left behind, resting silently. Popping the cork, the whiff of sweetness filled his nose, stirring his blissful memories.

"Neo," Aldwlyn grimly uttered, pulling the young prince from his joyous satisfaction. Slapping his head, Neo played off his fascination and poured the thick blood over the alter without hesitation.

Willing the pentagram of seven points to form through the blood. The Blood itself began to move to the young Prince's mind. Bending and twisting till the image in his mind matched the one in reality. Holding the bloody image of the crescent moon in the center of the seven-point pentagram, Neo took a step back.

"By the Shadow of the Noctem, and the blade of Tenebrae. Heed my call raven of the night, I call upon the Hand, that reaps. "

The temperature dropped, and over a hundred large eyes, the common size of a man, or beast, popped out from the surface of the darkness. Staring dead at Neo, amusement rang through the eyes, filled with madness.

Twice in one day, it had been since they saw him.

"No need for that look." Said the Second Prince, sending a downwards smile to his uncle, who approached up the stairs to his side.

"Zariel Snow, Formally of House Lazarus. Will be your target; parameters is to kill down to the chain of karma." Aldwyn sounded calm as a stone, but the disgust was evident. "He is currently in Zyphis, within the Redwoods."

Shifting back and forth between Neo, the Second Prince, and Iron Blood, Aldwyn, the hundred of eerie eyes, chilling the hearts of those of the Hells, emitted a few words, through the will of the darkness, "We accept, but can House Lazarus pay what is to be ask?"

"What is it you want?" voiced Aldwyn, stripped of any amusement at the petty games the Black Hands were involved in.

"Uncle, at least be mindful," Prince Neo reasoned, noticing the dryness in Aldwyns tone.

"It's of no consequence, I'm sure," He let drop. Peering up at the eyes, merely watching.

"The body of Zariel Snow, and the Book of Deceit, written by those of the Hells." They demanded, causing even Neo's heart to seize.

"Have you gone mad! Zariel by himself is of House Lazarus, even if removed." Aldwyn spat through his teeth. "Not to mention the Book of Deceit, even if I got the go-head, on allowing a member of royalty to be taken, at most, we can allow a single creature access to the Book of Deceit. No more, no less."

"I will concur with my uncle on this," Said Neo dryly, somewhat provoked by what the Black Hand was asking for. They were assassins. Not Kings who ended a war, Heros who could survive the bitterness of the Badlands, they were assassins. Worms that hid in the shadows.

"Two." Through the Will of the Darkness, the Black Hand spoke, "Make it two, and we will accept. Zariel and those related to him by the Laws of Karma will be eliminated."