Imperial Sutra

Holding her bruised throat, Aurelia kneeled over the icy snowfield, glaring at the Young Master, who had long since showered and changed into another set of loose-fitted garms. Thoughts were unfolding in the back of her mind regarding the entire situation, but no matter how she replayed the scenario, it all seemed to repeat itself.

"How," Aurelia said. " How do I defend against that power?"

Resting against the bare snow, Ella and Sionn both nodded, seeking the same answers. Sionn's hands held onto his bandaged neck pierced through by a large shard of glass; were it not for a passing maid, he was sure he would have died. She had bandaged his wounds that seemed to stretch over his body the best she could, giving her time to call for help. Ella had not experienced many injuries as she had better braced herself, but her arms and legs had suffered from scrapes and bruises.

"You break my concentration," Zariel said lazily, sniffing his clothing. He could still smell the foul scent of Skunk Root that clung to his flesh no matter how much he showered. Clitting his tongue, he continued. "You can also use your soul to battle against mine, but all of you are too weak to use Soul Qi, much less Astral energy. Here." He then said, tossing the children three tiny snow-white Keslor Crystals. Hard like a diamond, holding a milky light that glowed from its smooth glossy surface, the Keslor Crystals were known for the intrinsic property of allowing Arcanists who studied the soul, known by many as Soul Arcanists, to store pieces of information.

Keslor Crystals were rare, even to Kingdoms like Iliah, who had to root through Category Five Planets in hopes of finding a Keslor Vain deep into the planet's crust. A task was as rare as finding a category five-planet itself, as most had long since been occupied and drained of any Keslor Crystals.

Aurelia had recognized these Keslor Crystals almost instantly as she caught one, holding it with great care. Her golden eyes glowed like pearly stars, "Are these–"

"They are. Now place them over your forehead, and run a small bit of Acana inside them. Remember only a little," Zariel warned, " Any more, and you might just destroy them and screw yourself."

The young trio glanced at each other with building excitement. Eyes glistering and heart racing, they could feel the heat of the Keslor Crystals, warming their entire bodies against the icy snow, burrowing deep into their bones. They placed the crystals over their heads and followed Zariels words.

"Imperial Sutra, by The House of Lazarus." The Keslor Crystals read in bold scarlet red lettering that imprinted itself over Aurelia, Sionn, and Ella's minds. Their bodies trembled if but for a moment, and a milky white aura grew bright. Then, it dimmed from Aurelia's head, bleeding whatever leftover light it had left. The Keslor Crystal turned to ash, sipping through Aurelia's hands, to be whisked through the chilling winds.

Zariel's brow twitched in irritation. He had explicitly said not to use too much arcana. A single command, yet it went unheeded.

"Stupid girl," he said beneath his breath, but he did not let his irritation control his action. Sitting patiently, he focused his mind on Aurelia and felt the pull of the weaving guide his intent. He could feel her joy through her emotionless face and knew something had gone right.

"Does this ability work on others?" He thought, peering at Sionn, with who he did not have a connection too. He closed his eyes and focused his intent on the weave.

But nothing came.

Or rather, it did not come as fast, nor as swift. Lost in the knowledge held within the Keslor Crystal, Sionn was so joyful that it had put a smile on Zariels face. Something not even the young master had thought was possible. He could feel Sionns emotions being transmitted to him through the flow of the weave.

'Incredible,' he thought.

Interested in his newfound powers, he closed his mind to outside distraction and fell into the song of the weave, and as he did, a new world of opportunity seemed to present itself.

Hours later, Aurelia opened her eyes, excitement oozing, only for a shock to fill her mind. Across from her, no more than a few feet, she saw harmony intertwining around Zariel. Hovering off the ground, Aurelia felt like she was not looking at a person but rather a force of nature. She could feel the elements gathering around her master, coiling like a tame beast. The Elements, both seen and unseen, seemed to resonate with each other as if they had found something. They sang, and Aurelia listened.

She watched the waves of heat, dampened by the cold, creating the winds that fluttered elegantly, forming into arcs of lightning; the bolts of lightning flickered, melting into the unknown the longer Aurelia watched. Changing from element to element, some she recognized, others she had never seemed or may not notice, peace-filled the Fallens heart.

"Scorned by the Lord of Iluthath and banned from governing control of the laws, this bastard seems awfully beloved by the elements," Eilin said, stepping onto the training courtyard, her hand poised behind her back. "What do you think of him, Aurelia?"


"Do we need to go over stranger danger again?" Zariel calmly said, interrupting the young fallen; he pulled himself from meditation, "Ignore this old hag. She may be going through menopause, probably why she—"

Lifting his arms high, the Silver Devil grunted as Eilin whipped her leg towards his head. Barely defending himself, the young lord was blasted through the Earls manner, piercing multiple walls. His childlike body skipped over the ground like a rock over the waters.

"Hateful bastard," Eilin barked, stomping her feet over the ice. "Why does master insist on keeping him alive! Go die, you asshole!"

Shaken by the level of damage to the manor, alarms began to sound, and soldiers began to mobilize, one after another. Cladded in midgrade armor, the sounds of chainmail ringing resounded as the soldiers marched towards the object that had pierced their manner and had continued on a few kilometers.

"Is he dead?" The Head guard asked, lifting his gaze to the cold body of the young master, Zariel, whose left shoulder and right legs stood skewered like meat over the branches of a tree.

"III was right. Bitches be crazy."