
Startled by the sudden attack, Aurelia peered up at the chubby minx, glaring down at her; large eyes seemed to glisten as she pointed up.


"You skinny bitch!" Tama cried, dropping Aurelia onto the ground without a moment's hesitation.

Wincing at the pain of being dragged and dropped, Aurelia pursed her lips, "What do you want?'

"I want you to stay away from sir Arthur," She demanded, placing her hands over the folds of fat that covered her waist.

Blinking away, a little confused why Tama seemed so defensive, Aurelia hoisted herself up, patting the dirt off her clothes. She glanced at the indifferent professor that hadn't stopped his lessen despite no one paying attention; she turned to Arthur, who maintained a graceful smile.

"Are you alright?" He softly asked, in a charming voice that turned all the ladies' cheeks a deep shade of red.

Aurelia tilted her head, then glanced at Tama, who, while resembling a pig, held a somewhat cute appearance, and then back to Arthur, 'Hm," she answered with a short nod, "Aurelia is fine, she—"

"In or out," Professor Vantri snapped, stopping his lesson for the first time. His aged boney expression sank as he turned to Aurelia and the small gathering of students, "I will not ask again."

"I agree," Another with long black and silver hair uttered with a kind voice. His expression was masked, but his rainbow-colored eyes seemed to gleam a profound light that stirred anyone who stared too long.

"No need to add on Mr. Aldrich," Professor Vantri remarked, having heard enough talking in his class. He turned to face the crowd, "Mr. Arthur, you do not belong to my class; you are to remove yourself or speak with your counselor to begin negotiations to join a class meant for the College of Twilight."

"But of course, forgive my interruption," Arthur relayed with a curious tone; cuffing his hands, he turned to Aurelia and flashed her a smile. "I hope we meet again, especially on the battlefield." Waving her off, Arthur took his leave.

"Gods! He's so cute! I want him to eat me out!" A shameless student bellowed, sending the whole class into a spiraling fantasy.

"Bitch please; I hear he carrying a nine in his pants. Who needs him to eat me?"

"I heard it's a twelve, and you're a man! Arthur isn't gay!"

"Not yet. I turned like seven guys already."

"Eww, You must have drugged them."

"Game recognize game, bitch! I'm just saying. I, be pulling bitches."

"Screw you, stay away from our pure Arthur!"

"ENOUGH! Another word, and I'll have you as target practice for the upperclassman. Is that clear!" Professor Vantri roared, clapping his hands against his table. His shriveled eyes deepened as a profound aura of Arcana pooled out, filling the room with a killing aura.

The chatter fell silent, and in seconds, everyone ran back to their seats.

"Now, where the hell was I?"

Finding her seat near the masked man, Aurelia sighed as her mind recalled Mephisto's words.

"You're not writing anything," Aldrich softly whispered, through his mask, sliding her a paper that held his notes. Neat and precise, filled with all the key points of the professor's lesson, Aurelia glanced at the notes and nodded.

"Thanks, Richy"

"It's Aldrich," He said in a weary tone, having lost count of how many times he had to correct her.

"Isn't that what I said?" The young lass remarked, giggling into her palm, as she copied Aldrich's notes.

Catching up as quickly as possible, Aurelia continued to listen to the lecture, but her mind was still on Arthur and Mephisto.

"Have you been smitten by that boy?" Aldrich probed, smiling beneath his mask.

"Smithen? No, why do you ask?"

"Your not paying attention. It makes me wonder if I have a chance?"

Aurelia giggled, shooting the man whose eyes seemed to transition depending on the time of day. Sometimes they were red, other days black, pink, grey. But they had seemed to attract aurelia's awe, seemingly changing without rhyme or reason.

Her golden eyes glimmered, and she smiled, " Although he is cute, Aurelia is not interested in him like that. It's just my uncle said something that—Never mind."

"You have an uncle in this school?"

"Aqua Beam!" Professor Vantri coldly chanted as a pulse of aquatic Arcana rippled out of the air, congealing into a vortex of liquid might. And form out of the vortex, an azure beam whipped out, missing Aldrich's head by no more than a hair's width.

"I won't miss again; if you wish to talk, do it outside my class."

Calm could only be seen in the masked man's expression as he nodded, ' But of course, professor, due forgive me."

Snorting, Professor Vantri continued his lesson, not allowing a single whisper to echo. Stricter than most, Vantri was known as one of the academies' greatest Spell Casters; despite his age, few were capable of casting spells faster than him.

"And that is the end of my lesson. I will expect everyone to be able to cast this simple tier-one spell by week's end; see you in three days. My doors are always open. If those with less talent or a brain needs help, I expect to see you. Dismissed." Vantri adamantly declared, taking his leave form out of his class as a wave of chatter resounded.

"He's getting worse each year. Why are spells so freaking hard! And why are we learning physics and chemistry?"

"I see failure in your future!"

"Screw off, Liam."

"Physics, Biology, and Chemistry are the building blocks of understanding the elements. You will do well to learn from them." Tama joined, rising from her seat; she turned to Aurelia, situated in the back of the class.

"You there! Skinny bitch!"

"Piggy," Aurelia said back in recognition. "What up!"

Tama stared blankly at the young lass and frowned, "Do you know who I am?"


"I mean my name,"


"It is Tama Del Voli Sel"


Screw you!"

Aurelia bellowed in laughter, "I'm kidding; nice to meet you, Tama. Are you going to be Aurelia's new friend?"

"That's definitely not how you make friends, " Aldrich stated, rising from off his chair, and packed up his notes. " Till we meet again, Aurelia Morningstar."