Twin Gates

Aldrich held a thin smile as he stood beside Arthur, as they turned in unison towards the young man with a sword resting on his back.

"Mr. Snow, we meet again," Aldrich informed kindly, taking note of the masked individual by his side, " Is this a friend of yours?" He asked, studying the mask that had seemed to block out any form of intent or magic. "How mysterious."

"Thank you," Zero said, with a long measuring stare that told him all he needed, "I'll be on my way; an honor to see you, as well as you, Mr. Pendragon. Would you like for me to inform your wife? Or would you rather I bring you her head."

Arthur flinched, " So it's true."

"It is, Guinevere, and your brother-in-arms Lancelot is smashing. Although with Mordrids demise—"

"Mordrid is dead?!" Arthur barked, almost lunging at Zero. Only to be blocked by Zariel, who stood in the middle.

"Not yet, but he's close. You fatally injured him, not to mention Morgana had been planning his demise for gods knows how long. Where it not for Merlin's involvement, both of you would have died that day." Zero added with a notable smile as he stared at the dark expression of Aldrich. "Your sister was pushed back."

"What of the rest of the round table?"

"They're alive. Morgana le Fay never touched them. Although—" He paused and turned his back, allowing the silence to do all the work.

"Wait! What is it!" Arthur snapped as his expression began to darken.

"Nothing is free, King Arthur. If you wish for information, I suggest you do me a favor," Zero informed before vanishing in a wisp of smoke.

A look of apprehension raced through Arthur as he, too, vanished in a flicker of light, leaving only Aldrich and Zariel facing each other with smiles.

"He's good. Can I assume that Merlin, that half-blood devil, will work with you?"

"Do you think he'll trust you?" Zariel inquired, shaking his head in dissatisfaction, "Do you think he can trust a compromised Arthur? I'm sure they will have a way to get in touch with each other, but he'll keep Arthur at arm's length, with you around him. After all, the Former King of Elysium is a man feared by all except Chaos Lords or Blood Lords."

Aldrich nodded, " thanks for the compliment, but don't you hve more important things to deal with aside from me? With Aurelia so weak, she is now your weakness. And with your involvement with such a girl, it's safe to say you need her. You leave me alone, and I'll leave her be."

"I killed half of creation Aldrich; my sin was so grave that I was thrown into hell's deepest depths. Did you think I crawled out for no reason?" The young master explained, drawing close to the Former King. " But I kind of wish to see who is stronger."

Aldrich narrowed his eyes and glanced from side to side, "Maybe when I'm not surrounded. I'll be seeing you soon, Mr. Snow. I'll be seeing you real soon."

Flickering away from sight, Vancurro and Iz both appeared with curious expressions, " He seemed far too composed. I'd thought Zero might have rattled him."

"He did, but not enough to reveal that much. Are we gathering information on Elysium? You know what, it doesn't matter; tell the new Sovereign that Aldrich is alive. I want him to sweat and to be distracted. I will send a Soul Sliver to the Plane of Oblivian to speak with their sovereign. We need to find how many of these Monsters were resurrected."

Iz nodded and lowered his head for a moment, " I'll handle the Sovereign,"

"And I guess I'll send my people to Merlin—"

"No, not Merlin. I want Morgana Le Fay on our side. We don't need losers like Merlin who believe in morals." Zariel said to Vancurro

"Ok.' Iz softly said, "That's a bit of a red flag but fine. We'll send out a few representatives."

The night was fast approaching as Aurelia's blade danced over a towering half man half beast, with the lower half of a horse and the upper body of a man.

Winds were billowing against her cheeks as her sword clashed with a black halbert pushing her back, as the Centar howled, charging forward at a galloping speed.

"I JUST ASKED FOR DIRECTIONS! WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING!!!" Aurelia cried, pivoting off her feet into the air as her blade flickered, with the sounds of thunder quaking the ground beneath the beast's feet at the sheer power of her sword stroke.

Quick and accurate, the Centar parried when all of a sudden, he thrusted his free arm out, catching aurelia by surprise, but not before a fire bolt appeared and flashed, hitting his chest the moment aurelia was struck in the ribs.

Thrashing over the grass like a rock skipping over water, blood spilled from her arms and legs as she pierced her blade down into the earth to catch herself; she looked up and caught sight of burning embers within the Centar chest cavity as he moaned, falling on his forelegs.

She stood up as some of her injuries began to mend themselves to the naked eye, "Why did you attack me? I know you can think and speak?"

Pale as a ghost, the male Centar lifted his steel-like grey eyes and nodded, " I am the champion of the first layer, and you've earned the right to push ahead."

"So soon?" Aurelia couldn't help but ask.

"This is the first level and the smallest; each pocket realm will be bigger and stronger." He explained, in a slow manner, as two silver gates opened. Carrying the sigil of water and the other fire, Aurelia turned to the Centar.

"What happens if I kill you?'

The Centar did not seem surprised, " The gate will remain in this location, and the others will be forced to find it. If they wish to proceed."

Taken back, she nodded, noting her injuries that had blown a hole into his chest, but she didn't comment on it. The Centar had attacked without reason and tried to steal her head. There was no pity knowing the fate of this beast.

"Both paths lead to the same place, just different areas. Pick your choice Aurelia Morningstar."