
Pinching between Aurelia's brow the moment the young Nephilim grew still and motionless. Zariel's cheeks visibly grew ashen as blood leaked from his lips onto the covers. His strength waned, and his legs buckled under his weight as he leaned onto the bed, stirring the Nephilim awake.

"Leave… Aurelia…"

"Fuck you! You ungrateful brat." Zariel stammered, gathering astral qi to the tip of his fingers. He pressed down between her brow a bit harder and whispered. " Seal."

Blood gushed out of his eyes and lips, painting Aurelia's covers a visible red as he fell over her chest, gasping for air.

"Get… off."

"Screw… you.'

"Up… yours."

"Bite… Me."

"I hate you!"

"Don't care… bitch."

Going back and forth in a slew of curses, Aurelia didn't know when she started smiling as she watched Zariels countenance turn grey.

"Was… it so worth it?" She asked, unsure if she wished to hear the answer.

"What is?"

"Saving me."

Despite the crippling weakness, Zariel found the energy to snort. "I did it because Mephisto gave me what I wanted… No other reason."

Aurelia closed her eyes and listened to the silence. "What… what did he give you."

"A name."

"Does it sound cool?'


"Does it sound cool?" She repeated, opening her golden eyes. "My name sounds cool. It even means golden."

"scooch over…"

'It's my bed… sleep on the floor." Said Aurelia weakly.

"I, Zariel Snow, do not sleep on the floor. Who do you take me for? A common whore?"

"At least then, I could pay you to shut up… and sleep on the floor."

"You couldn't afford me." He replied, using astral force to push himself up from Aurelia's chest and onto the side of her bed next to her.

"Stop! Your spreading blood everywhere!" Aurelia said weakly, turning even paler as a deep streak of blood followed after Zariel.

"Some people say thanks for saving them." The young Lord countered, getting comfortable as the last of his consciousness faded.

'Dumb-Dumb?' Aurelia called, hearing his snores. But a reply never came. She smiled and slowly leaned her head against his shoulder. "Thanks for saving me."

"Sooo I'm going to need someone to explain this to me." Zero remarked, materializing out of thin air, and stared at the sleeping duo. "Is she also crazy?"

Zero folded his arms and leaned back in a corner near the door.

"why don't you show yourself? I think a greeting is long overdue."

Taking a step through a spiraling vortex that suddenly formed, Mephisto smiled. "Overdue, you think. Your arrogance is blinding."

"As is yours," Zero spat in response. "you almost fucked up."

"It happens. Although, it was only a minor mistake. I would have just had to jump to plan F. But I hate plan F."

Zero chuckled. " agreed. Every grandmaster hates going to plan F or N."

Arms poised behind his back Mephisto approached the sleeping duo and smiled. " I've heard so much about you, Zero. Can I call you Zero? No one seems to know your name. Not even me. I don't suppose you'll tell me."


"Figured. But you've got some influence, don't you? In almost every court throughout Iluthath, your mask seems to be present. Whether it's in passing or being virtually there, like with The Black Hand. Your influence is the biggest I've ever seen."

The Fallen gave his usual smile and turned to face the masked man. " Your existence is… confusing. So much so that no one seems to know who you are. You just appeared one day… same as Yuki Black. Don't suppose there is any relation."

"There's not," Zero said stoically.

"And what would you know? You're a child yourself, a few years elder to the boy here. Who was your Mother or Father? You possess a navel, so you were clearly birth naturally. But let me guess, you don't know. A bastard if I were to guess."

Behind his masked, Zero grimaced and unfolded his arms. " It seems you've got a pretty good idea of who I am." He drew close, in a guarded manner, stopping an arm's length away from the Fallen. " What is it you're after? You were the one to link them. Then you orchestrated this little tantrum. To what end, might I ask?

"You appear as both ally and enemy, taking sides as much as you change faces. What could a man as powerful as you want with Zariel Snow?"

Mephisto stroked his thin beard with a chilling smile that seemed both welcoming and terrifying. And stared right through the mask that hid Zero's features.

"The last fool who stepped to me had his kingdom annihilated. Soloman was a fool in the end, but you, Zero. You don't strike me as such… so I'll tell you what my Father told me… oh so long ago.


"What?" He said, unable to understand.

The Fallen laughed, shifting his eyes to Zariel. "Fascinating, isn't it? It took me so long to find them… I'd even given up hope… you see, beings like my Father love riddles. And at their level. A single word can mean an infinite amount of things: Water, Ice, bastards, rarity? The possibilities are endless."

" But then… twenty or so, give a take, a few million-eternity cycles later. I found a small child within hell. Weeping for his mommy. Zariel Snow." He smiled sourly. "Another disappointment: I thought then it happened." He pointed towards the long sword Zariel always carried on his back.

"That blade was forged by his remains. But somehow, he ignored the dimensional rift between Hell and the Fourth Heaven. A profundity I knew no brat could accomplish. And drew in the stardust that was his corpse."

" You found out about the Weave." The masked Lord mentioned, and the smile over Mephisto grew wider.

"I did, and I was curious about it. But…" He paused and chuckled. " That's it for today. A little reminiscing is bad for the soul. Care for your brother. I'll be back when they're older, or perhaps I'll be here when they wake."

Waving Zero off in a belied smirk, Mephisto vanished, leaving behind a deafening silence.

"He never answered my question. Or perhaps he himself doesn't know. How frightening." Zero mused, taking his leave.