"Dan I'm sorry! I said i was sorry! " she exclaimed as Dan caught her hand.
"Getting your friend to call me up saying you want to sleep over?... wrong move" he said and threw her. She sprawled across the floor. He was about to advance when a call came. He picked up the phone which happened to be an emergency. Without a word he ran out. She gritted her teeth and sat on her bed. She thought about Loki.
She had kissed him..!! He kissed her back!.. he liked her! But did she like him?... she must be certain. She must not be hasty. It was just a kiss... a really long.. deep.. kiss.. that left her feeling like all of her blood had left her feet and caught a one way ticket to her head. She smiled at the memory of it. She thought about all their meetings.... no they were not dates... not technically. Ok SLIGHTLY SIMILAR to a date. Right.... but he was sweet.
He was the only one who cared for her. As she thought of him she looked in the mirror and realized she had been smiling the whole time. Dammit... she liked him.. and his cheekbones.. and that ass... on a side note? That ass was Hella fine.. She sighed. How was she going to tell him?
She looked at her arms. Yup. Three indents. Why was her skin so sensitive!? She looked around for her make up but find that most of it had finished. She applied what was left of it and looked around for a long sleeve shirt.... then she realized she hadn't done the laundry because she was busy snuggling up to HER PROFESSOR!! DAMN IT!!
She finally going a pink t-shirt that just covered the bruise. She put it on along with jeans. She walked out of the house and decided to go through the park. There was still an hour left for school anyway. She looked at the memorial wall. Yup Abbeline was there... those other blondes. They all looked similar. Same features...same age.. they all looked like Abby... five blonde haired girls... and.. four brunettes? Wait... what? She didn't remember any brunette dying... she went closer and squinted to read the fine print.
"Those are new" a voice said. She turned to find an old man sitting on a bench nearby. He smiled and she returned it.
"What do you mean they're new?" She asked as he stood up and walked toward her.
"They happened last week. Police say the man returned and is hunting brown haired girls now. He had killed five blondes last time.... now I guess he is going for brunettes" the man said solemnly. She stood gaping.
"What he just wants to kill girls of all hair colors?" She scoffed.
"The police says thats how he works..You best keep yourself safe young lady. That last one was yesterday... You seem like a nice girl. This man must be caught."the old man said.
She gave an awkward smile and he left. She turned to the board as her heart beat faster... she realized one thing... they all looked like her.... and they were all her age..... shit.