what about lyn?

(Reaper) asked:

Sir slenderman and all the creepypasta.. I am sorry for the tragedies that has happened to you. I hope the pain is less by now. (try not to do what humans did to you. You are not like them)

And don't you know that Maddie isnt your real sister? What will you do to her when you understand she's not your sister or... Its deeper than it seems?

Have a wonderful day creepypasta and sir slenderman.


slender: well first off...thank you but it is unneeded it was a rather long time ago and we have mostly healed....mostly.....also who's this maddie your talking about?...are you talking about lyn?..im afraid i dont know what your talking about....she is indeed our sister.....but if what your saying is true then i would probably be to attached to do much

(lyn pulls the camera into a soundproof room to talk to questioner)

lyn: ummm i....never actually told slender or the others that i used to be human or who i used to be its something i decided a while ago not to tell them -she rubs the back of her paper white neck- er so yea thats the answer
