jiro chan asked
Hi! thanks for answering my questions.
I feel paranoid these days....and I don't know why, but I dream about slenderman and in my dreams,
he always kills my friend or my loved one, this makes me sick...I actually cry in my nightmares.
so there's my question...Are you watching me?
slenderman:-he chuckles softly- i dont know -he lets his mouth open and he grins- am i? you tell me dear child.
lyn: if your experiencing nightmares about him and in turn getting sick from them slendersickness is normally what it is called the side affects are nausea, bleeding from the nose and or ears, headaches, ringing in your ears, seeing and or hearing static, hallucinating, paranoia and a few other affects if you are getting three or more of these symptoms then you are definitely being stalked by slenderman.