He's Coming for You

"We'll need to make things right between Tasha and Colt, too," Stellan added and then headed toward the stove and looked down at the Shepherd's Pie. "Wow! This looks really good."

"Thanks," I said, and then set it on a hotplate on the table.

Stellan walked up behind, wrapped his arms around me, and placed his chin on my shoulder. "I never knew you could cook."

I shrugged. "You learn how to do a lot of things when you're on your own."

Stellan nodded. "Tasha, I'm sorry—"

I turned around in his arms. "Stellan, it's not your fault. You have nothing to be sorry for. And if we can save Liv and Colt, then it's all good." Then I thought of something. "Is Liv still slated to die?"

He nodded. "The day after tomorrow."

"Do we know who does it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

He shook his head.

"I'd bet it's Alonso."

"Could be," Stellan replied. "But you have to go to school tomorrow and stop Colt from challenging Slade to a race tomorrow."