
After we found the right dress and I threw it on, we walked to the dining room for breakfast. Emily was already there waiting for me, I sat down and blurted out what happened last night. We waited for all the other participants to come and when they all arrived I noticed that the prince wasn't there, then everyone started to notice and started talking. It seemed like everyone was thinking that something bad had happened to him then panic set in. Subsequently the prince walked in and everyone let out a sigh of relief. My first thought when I saw him was, " Finally we can have breakfast, I'm starving!"

For breakfast we had our favorite breakfast dishes, mine had French toast, a sausage egg and cheese burrito, a small cheese omelet, and a coffee with milk and 3 tsp of sugar. Before we could eat, the prince announced our schedule for the day, " At 8:30 you will be given a tour of the palace by Mr. Williams, the Valet. At 12:00 we will be dining outside. At 3:25 you will be visited by a personal maid. I will be unavailable from 12:30 to 4:45 but Mr. Williams will be around to assist you anytime. Then at 6:00 we will be having dinner. Any questions?" One participant asked, " What do we do between those times?" He answered, " Whatever you want."

After breakfast, We were let do whatever we wanted. I stayed in my bedroom for just a bit but then got bored and went to the living room and sat on the couch. I examined the room then started to sing and sway. A while later I heard the prince's voice and turned and saw the prince standing beside me with his head tilted looking at me. He asked, " What are you doing?" I answered shyly, " Sitting here." He looked around and said, " I thought you were waiting for someone." I said, " I thought you were busy." He looked back at me and asked playfully, " Am I not allowed to use the men's room?" I chuckled. Then he asked as he sat next to me, " What were you singing?" I replied nervously, " Touch by Little Mix." I asked, " Can you sing it again?" I asked slightly panicking, " Right now?" He said, " If you don't mind." I took a deep breath in and out and looked away.