Run Away!!!!

As we were walking out I felt someone's gaze on me so I turned and saw my father's green eyes piercing through me. I darted through the crowd to get out of the building away from my father. I could hear my mom, Emily, Carol, and Mr. Williams Calling for me but I didn't stop. Once I was out of the building I climbed into my mom's car and crawled into the trunk, where I stayed until I heard my mom's voice getting closer calling me. I peeked through the small window and saw my mom's eyes full of worry. I waved at her through the window, getting her attention. She ran to the car and opened the back door and I crawled out into her arms. I told her about the 2 times I saw my dad and she was just as shocked as I was when I saw him the first time. We walked back to the entrance and called the others to where we stood. When we were all back together I apologized and explained why I ran.

After everything was settled Prince Max, Mr. William, Emily and I went back to the palace. I headed straight to the kitchen because it was past lunch time, almost dinner but I couldn't wait. Prince Max caught me before I could start baking and pulled me out of the kitchen. " What do you think you're doing?" Max asked. " I was going to have lunch." I answered as I turned back to the kitchen. " No you are going to have dinner with the rest of us." Max argued. " I will but I want lunch, I'm hungry!" I pouted. " You will eat in an hour, you can wait." Max insisted. " I can't wait another hour, I'm starving!" I complained, stomping my feet. Max stared at me and said, " Angel you are acting like a child, you can and will wait." Max said angrily. I bent my head down in shame of my behavior and whispered, " I'm sorry." before I headed upstairs to my room. I heard Emily chasing after me to comfort me and we walked to my room together.

An hour later I was still in a mood but I was too hungry to argue. Emily borrowed one of my dresses because she also was in a hurry to eat and when we got to the dining room I realized Emily and I were wearing matching dresses. When we sat down and were allowed to eat I whispered to Emily between bites, " We are wearing matching dresses." She looked at her dress then mine and smiled at me and the rest of dinner we didn't talk we just ate. Suddenly I heard Abigail whisper to her friends, " She is such a pig." and they both giggled. I looked over at her and they just giggled more. I ignored them and continued eating. Then I heard her say, " She even smells like a pig." and they giggled more. I looked at Emily and whispered, " Can we switch seats?" She looked at me confused then said, " I don't think we are allowed to do that, why?" I whispered, " Please." Emily sighed and said, " Ok." and got up. We switched seats not minding the people staring at us. Then the prince asked, " Why did you two switch seats?" I didn't answer because I knew I would say something I would regret. Emily realized I wasn't going to say anything so she said, " Because Abigail is being bratty again." I couldn't help but silently laugh to myself. The prince asked, " How so?" Emily looked at me and I answered, " She's comparing me to a pig." I could sense Abigail was glaring at me but I paid no mind to her and continued eating. The prince nodded and continued eating.