Rinato di Jake

Ciao, I am Jake Bello. I was Born in Sicily, 1915. I don't know who was my papa, I remember my mamma, she died when I was 9. I was raised by the owner of Bar Giuseppe, Luca Falcone, where my mamma worked. The owner was a good person, he always treated me like his own son; when I turned 15, he told me that my mamma was raped and killed by a bastard of the Vincent Family. They didn't kill me, neither Luca, but they shot Luca on his leg to make him incapable of doing anything in his life. That night still horrifies me — I wasn't that strong to say that "I will take my revenge on them".

Anyways my life wasn't going that easy; I had to tend to every customer who enters our bar—most of them were douches, some were from the Vincent's and others from different families.

It was a cold winter night of 1932. We were just closing, but Luca heard gunshots nearby and told me to get inside immediately. And I did as he said. It was a huge clash between Vincent & Greco families. There were five main families leading Sicily at that time. They were Greco, Vincent, Graviano, Motisi and Clemente Family.

Luca was just gonna close the shop and lock it from inside, but one of the Vincent's pal pointed a gun at Luca and said "Those bastardo shot at my arm, let me in or I will shoot you!!". Luca was afraid, I was watching everything from behind a door. Suddenly someone came and shot all the lights and killed that man, Luca took cover behind the bar table. That man started walking in to insure that the the Vincent's man is dead. His footsteps were audible and increasing second by second and I was afraid of losing Luca, so as soon as that man entered the bar, I crushed his head with a metal rod, but that attack wasn't that great. He was going to shoot me, but Luca came between us and pierced that man's neck with a wine bottle and saved me, for which he got shot in his belly. His last words were  "I know your father, he was the one who let your mother die and someday he'll use you to kill someone else's mother. Leave this hell, leave Sicily with Flavio and never come back here; all I have earned in my life won't be enough for you both to survive in this world, but I know that you'll make through these times. I love you my son, always." These were his last warm lines to me. I took all the money from Luca's locker and left with Flavio before the first sunshine. I was confused where to go, then Flavio told me that we should go to New York, America. Flavio also was a bartender of my same age and he was totally alone in this world.

He was also an orfano like me. We were heading to our future, without caring if it'll be bright or dark. I was reborn that day, I saw the cruelty of humans and how dangerous a person can be in the disguise of a gentleman!!