"Well, there is no improvement. I'm a little nervous these days anyway. ''

He did not answer, as he himself did not know why he was nervous. He saw Ali as he passed into his room. Neither of them greeted as they were not very enjoyable today. They both had seen a lot of mottled inside themselves this morning. Alp found a paper on the table.

"Don't call in vain! Emel will die too, and you will die too !! Whether you accept it or not !!! '' He could not recognize the text because it was typed. He went to the relevant office immediately.

He said, "I want this paper to be examined."

"Yes, Police, we'll investigate. When did you find this paper? ''

''I just saw it. I'll be glad if you can catch a clue. ''

"We will also apply for camera recordings, police. We can catch something from there. ''

''Yes. The killer walks into my room and nobody gets any news. This does not happen. We'll work hard, remember. '' Police Alp went back to his room. He kept himself busy with routine work. Shortly before the lunch break, they called about the paper.

"You should come to the office, police, we want to show you some things."

"I'd like to see, I'm coming." He went down to the Bureau quietly.

"Here you go, superintendent. ''

"Yes, what did you find?"

"Let me say this from the beginning. Since the writing is not handwritten, we did not consult the records, and it is very unlikely that we will find fingerprints and some other type of residue. But we will still look. ''

"Yes, we definitely have to put them into action."

He came out spoken of. He didn't open his mouth with a knife until he got home. On the way, his stress has also endured. He hardly threw himself home. '' Welcome Alp. How was your day?''

"Today .. I am .."

"Or did something happen? Tell me what happened, Alp! ''

`` In the morning I saw a paper in my room that I guessed was from Emel's killer. ''

"What was written on the paper?"

He was talking about killing me. Quite precisely. ''

"Yeah. So how did he manage to get that paper up to your room? ''

"Believe me, I don't know either, Devran. I guess it will end with bad things. I hope I'm wrong. ''

''I hope.''

'' Paper will go to relevant places and be examined. We will also activate camera recordings. Even if he's a psychopath, the killer is a murderer. ''

''You are right. These days we have to be more careful. ''

"So. How was your day?''

"How come, here. Aylan, Selin, Yasemin ... By the way, Selin got divorced from her husband. ''

''Really? Why is that?''

'' Why will it happen. Tired of her husband, they finished their work in one session. ''

"Surprisingly, they were doing well. ''

"I was a little surprised too. ''

He called Emel Damla. "Hello, how are you, Damla?"

"I'm fine Emel, how are you?"

''I am fine too. Well. What's up?''

"How come? Lessons on the one hand, ours on the one hand .. ''

"I am also nervous sometimes, sometimes not. But I got through it. ''

"It's hard to really survive death. Did you see the power in the morning? ''

''No I did not see. He was already there when I got to school, you know. It's usually early. '' 'I don't know. And if they weren't for those sullen faces. ''

''You are right. But it's going for the better right now. ''

"I think so." The lesson bell rang. The teacher looked at his watch before he entered. He glanced at the classroom as soon as he entered the lecture hall. He didn't know why.

`` Yes, youngs. Turn on page 69 ... ''

Emel had no pleasure today. He even fell asleep. He dived for 10-15 seconds. Then he recovered, according to a word. The teacher was watching Emel from time to time. However, Emel did not attract attention because he tried not to appear weak. When the lesson was over, everyone was heading towards the canteen. Emel was trying to think when the police would call him. When it was time for food, he said what he wanted and went to the table where the Esin was. Just as she was about to start talking, Turgay interrupted:

"What's up today, are you okay?''

"We are fine, Turgay, you heard what happened to Emel, right?''

''Of course I heard. We even talked about it recently. You were not there at that time.''

"It's a really serious situation, think about it. The killer enters your house and you survive a murder. It only gets caught in my head sometimes. How did the killer manage to lose his trace? Also in an apartment. It's really interesting. ''

"Yes. We have such thoughts. Who knows how? Isn't it, Emel?''

"Yes. I just couldn't get rid of those tense moments. But I think you don't mind.''