Afraid of Words

Stitched face

Dark world

Tears mixing in with my dark, dry blood on my lips

Although they were stitched

Not a smile, all they wanted was silence from me

But I didn't get silence from them

They always thought they were right, in which they didn't want to hear my words

Their tongues sharp like swords ready for battle, it was tyranny

Simple as I write, but their is more behind my dirty face

It hurts trying to speak, as more blood comes out from my throat, it burns

I wasn't faceless yet, but I wanted to fall in the black ocean alone without the noise of them

Speaking with truth was not allowed, it hurt me and others not my kind

They also have stitched lips like me making them learn not to speak anymore

Our throats were like lava, it burned and so we shed tears wishing the world would listen

I wanted to throw up but I couldn't

Nothing is better sometimes
