4 - In the Presence of the Lord Chisthalmagne

The sound of water drips down from Alrossia's body as the maids bathes her. The young maid looked at Alrossia with concern in her eyes while rubbing her dirty arms.

"Cheer up, Alrossia. Lord Chisthalmagne is always like that. You have to get used to it from now on."

"Just how?" she asked her. "He pushes me around and ignores me, what exactly is my purpose in this palace anyway?"

"Your father has sold you, Alrossia." she rubbed the tips of her wet hair with her palms. "You are now his property and he can treat you whatever he pleases."

"That's exactly my point." Alrossia turned her back and took the maid's hand. "I can't stand it here Lyan. He does not even look at me in the eye!"

"But he did inside the courtroom, didn't he?"

Alrossia frowned. "He only shows reaction when I do something stupid."

"Then keep doing something stupid."

The maid chuckled and poked her cheek. Alrossia pouted and sighed. "He's too dense!"

"Do you like Lord Chisthalmagne?"

The sudden question made Alrossia's pale cheek redden. She looks away sassily. "I-It's not like that! Besides, who would even dare like the heartless King?"

The maid grabbed a pail of water and rinsed Alrossia's hair. She took a deep puff and exhaled when the water finally streamed below her temples.

"You, perhaps?"

Alrossia turned her back and slammed her hands on the tub. "What?! No! He is the very reason that I tried to escape "

"You did escape. You didn't try."

"Lyan sometimes you're too smart that it makes me think you are a noble."

The maid gave out a hearty laugh. "Oh how I wished I was. You don't suppose my looks are of a noble too?"

"The mirror knows."

The maid splashed water onto the jeweler and both chuckled.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the bathroom's door.

"Is she done, Lyan?"

"She is almost finished, Captain Kavor!"

"Hurry up."

Alrossia stood up from the tub and Lyan covered her wet body with a damp towel. "Calm down."

Alrossia couldn't help but shake after hearing the Captain's voice. The whole palace was supposed to rest, but instead they were forced to keep on a lookout in case Alrossia attempts to leave again.

Lyan dressed her in a loose, long, and white servants' clothing. Lyan's smile faded as she brings Alrossia's ankle cuffs to a tight click. She stood up and pinched the girl's cheek.


She young girl looked at her. "Yes?"

"I'm sure one day the King will set you free."

A smile forms on Alrossia's face. She hugged the lady and then opened the door. Captain Kavor was waiting outside.


"What took you so long?"

"She was covered with mud, Captain."


"Well, if you hadn't tackled her down on a muddy grass field on a rainy day, it would've been easier."

Captain Kavor shifted his eyes to Alrossia's body. "Well, if she had not attempted to leave I wouldn't have tackled her down."

"She was—"

"Lyan." Alrossia tugged the maid's sleeve and shook her head gently and smiled at her.

"But Al—"

"Good night, Lyan. Thank you for today. I apologize for the trouble."

Lyan the maid let out a deep sigh and slightly bowed to Alrossia and the Captain. "Very well, have a good night as well."

The palace maid excused herself, Captain Kavor and Alrossia remained.


"Were you hurt?"

Alrossia's eyes widened a bit. "N-No Captain."


Alrossia looked at the Captain's arms. She noticed a few bandages beneath his robe.

"What is it?"

"Were you hurt, Captain?"

"Indeed I was." his cold blue eyes looks at her. "All because of your Father's stupidity."

Alrossia lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Pay for it."

"With what, Captain?"

"With your obedience. Do me a favor and get your filthy body inside the courtroom. Lord Chisthalmagne wants to see you."

Alrossia clenched her small fists and turned her back, completely heartbroken. She quickly wiped the tears forming in her eyelids and walked aimlessly to a path that led to the courtroom.

"Even the Captain hates to see me." she murmurs to herself.

She sloppily opened the door to the courtroom, immediately alerting the palace guards inside. She glanced at the man on the throne and knelt to the ground like it was a common occurrence.

She glanced upwards and peeked at him.

But his eyes were already into hers.