His Frostiness

Captain Kavor escorted Alrossia to Lord Chisthalmagne's dining hall. After giving the young woman several repeated reminders, Captain Kavor opens the big wide door.

Alrossia peered in. This dining hall is Lord's Chisthalmagne's dining hall. A food auditorium exclusive only to himself, hence only a few trusted maids were allowed to clean inside.

Alrossia prepared to step in. But before she could, Captain Kavor grabbed her wrists. She immediately halted in his sudden gesture.


"I believe we should replace Lyan. She does not make you presentable at all."

Captain Kavor takes off the gloves from his hands and reached out to his pockets. He brings out a small container, opens it, and gently dipped his fingers inside.

"Raise your head up, you're too short I can't even reach you."

Alrossia raised her head. Captain Kavor then gently caresses her lips with the essence on his fingers.

"Spread it."

Alrossia smudged the essence on her lips to spread it evenly.

"Your lips are chapped and your hairstyle is a mess." the captain reached for her hair and styled it the way he saw decent. "There. Get in now."

Alrossia nodded her head and walked inside the dining hall. Her eyes traveled around. There were no palace guards inside. The Captain gently closed the door behind her.

Alrossia's eyes then stopped at the sight of Lord Chisthalmagne. He was on the far end of the room, dining on one of the tables. It was an unusual sight for her. He used to eat on a tray placed near his golden throne.

The King sat alone, gently bringing the condiments into his lips. He looked lifeless.

Alrossia just stared at him from the far corner. She did not want to disturb him.

Suddenly, the sound of condiments stopped.

"Come join me."

Alrossia looked at him reluctantly. "I am not sure if I could—"

"This was the very purpose I have sent you here. Dine with me."

Alrossia timidly made her way towards him and sat opposite of him. She eyed the cuisines displayed on the vast table. All of those she had never tasted before.

Leonardi Chisthalmagne rested his chin on the back of his hands, quietly observing her.

"My Lord, I am not worthy enough to share a meal with you—"

"Who cares about your worth?"

She looked down, hurt. "Maybe I should dine with the maids, My Lord." she stood up and excused herself.


Chills went down her spine as he spoke out of dissatisfaction. She shut her eyes and murmured something.

'You screwed up. You screwed up.'

She goes back to the chair and sat.

"Finish everything. You are too skinny."

"Yes, My Lord."

She places takes an empty porcelain platter and warily places a few strips of meat on it. When he noticed that she was only picking a few rations, he grabs his fork and placed more inside her platter.

"My Lord, I don't think I can finish these all—"

His blank and cold expression made her sigh.

"My Lord, I know you wish for me to be healthy, but this is getting out of hand."

"What is?"

"Will I be able to finish all twenty-seven plates? I don't think my body can handle that—"

"That is not a problem." he wipes his lips with a napkin. "Your body was capable to handle a beast like me, I don't think twenty-seven small dishes are too much."

Alrossia's cheek heated. "I-I..."

"Hurry up."

Alrossia lowered her head and quietly feasted on his personal banquet. After finishing her portions, she tries to wipe her lips with her white sleeves. Lord Chisthalmagne's large hands lowered her arms and proceeds to wipe her lips with a napkin.

Her heart fluttered in a few seconds after his fingers touched her skin.

While still wearing a fixed expression, he placed the used napkin beside and clasped his fingers together. Alrossia slowly raised her head cautiously at him, stealing a glance.

"After leaving you for almost a month I cannot express how disappointed I am seeing you act like a rubbish child."

Alrossia ashamedly listened as he continued lecturing her.

"T'is a shame indeed. For someone as noble as myself to even pay you the slightest of my attention."

She played with her thumbs. "I-I have noticed that you have become loquacious, My Lord."

"Am I?"

He stood up and threw his cape on the glossy floor. Alrossia immediately picks it up after him. It took her a while to fold them completely neatly on her arms.

Lord Chisthalmagne's brows furrowed as he scrutinized her small body. The memories of the past stampeding his troubled mind.

Alrossia cheerfully looked at him and smiled. "My Lord, you shouldn't just throw your cape on the floor, it is dirty."

He did not answer.

"I'll have it in the laundry. I very much appreciate your invitation today My Lord. I am grateful."

Though Alrossia's heart palpitated like a drum, she managed to give him a smile.

He turned his back and left the dining hall, leaving Alrossia perplexed and anxious. She touched her lips and smiled, remembering as he gently wiped her lips with a kind face.

"He wasn't that cold, after all."