
I stand in front of the open door staring at the man looking back at me. I can not believe that he had the audacity to even show up at my door. I smile at my dad and Jack, that is staring at me. Then push him out and closing the door behind me.

"What are you doing here?!"

"I heard that you are joining the Navy and I just thought that-"

"…and you just thought what, George?"

George was the one boyfriend that I had the longest we were together for about 6 months and he swore to me that I was the only girl in his life. But not only did he treat me like a piece of crap; he also cheated on me with my best friend. Or shall I say, who was, being past tense, my best friend. After what happened with those two, I never really got close to any man or any friend, for that matter. They have made sure that they have destroyed everything I hold sacred.

"It has been months now, Amy. Nancy and I are not together anymore, for a very long time now"

"Oh, and that should make me feel better? Because you are not together anymore? For this reason, you felt that you could come and knock on my door?"

I fold my arms while staring him down. He put his hands in his pockets and then shovel with his shoes in the snow, looking down.

"Yes, you are right. I do not deserve to even knock on your door but I missed you so much. Now, you are going to join the Navy and I might not see you for a long time. So, I just thought maybe we can have one last dinner before you go?"

I can not believe the nerve of this man? That he thinks for one second, that I will go to dinner with him. He has broken my heart into a thousand pieces and still, it is not healed even though it is almost a year now. I just can not get the image of him and my best friend fooling around on her bed. The day that I walked in on them, I will never forget because it was the day of my birthday.

"There is no way that I'm going to dinner with you"

Just then the door opens and my brother walks up to George.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

George walks back a few steps, as Jack is well-built. George lifts his hands in surrender.

"I am only here to talk to your sister, I promise, I mean no harm"

"No harm? Do you mean no harm like the harm that you slept with her best friend? Like that harm?"

"I'm sorry man, but that was a long time ago and I am a changed man"

Jack laughs out of his stomach and then quickly turns into a serious face again.

"You? You are a changed man? I do not think so"

I put a hand on Jack's shoulder and he turns to look at me.

"It's okay, Jack. I can handle him"

He steps closer to George until they are face to face.

"If you say one thing to hurt her, then I will be the one hurting you. Do you understand?"

George swallows deeply and then nods his head in agreement. Jack still stares a while longer at George and then turns around walking back into the house.

"He is a scary guy, isn't he?"

"George, you deserve everything that comes to you"

Then he steps closer to me and I smell his familiar scent. All the memories of me and him being in love, come back to me. I did not think that only his scent, can influence me like that. How is it that you can just forget all the bad things, in one moment?

"I know that you still feel something for me, Amy. I still feel something for you and the thought of you leaving for the Navy, had me on my knees"

His words are like sweet honey to a hungry bear. I can not fall for him right now. I can not break down. I need to be strong and stand up against it, but the way he moves, the way he looks, the way he stares at me, it all reminds me of our time together. What is he doing to me?

"I will leave if you want me to, but one last dinner, that is not too much to ask? Please forgive me? Please have one last dinner with me?"

I can not control the words that escape my mouth. I wish I was stronger.

"I will give you one coffee that is it"

"Thank you, Amy, that is all I need. Thank you"

"I'll meet you at the coffee shop on the corner, at seven"

"Thank you. I will be there and you will not be disappointed"

I watch as he walks away but something inside me says that I should have said no. I take a deep breath and walk back into the living area.

Just then, my stepmother joins us on the couch. She was not a bad mother to me but she was not loving towards me either. She has two other daughters, that live with her ex-husband and when she got to see them, they had the love of a mother. I never got to feel that kind of love but she did tried and treat me as well as she could.

"Hello, Amy. So you are leaving us?"

"Hello. Yes, that is the plan"

"Well know that we are very proud of you and we will miss you"

"Thank you for saying that, Harriet"

The day carries on until it is time for me to meet George at the coffee shop. I opened the door to the coffee shop and see him sitting at the bar. I know that I should rather turn around right now. But my feet keep walking towards him.

I am just about to pat him on his shoulder when I think to myself, maybe he could have changed. Then he turns around and sees me.

"Well, I, never, I never thought that you would actually show up. Come and have a seat next to me darling"

I find myself wondering, how his attitude changed so quickly? From begging me to come with him to dinner, to this almost overconfident person. Then I see it, the drink before him and all the memories come flooding back about our relationship. I remember now what that feeling was, why I should not have come. Because when he has one too many drinks, he is not that charming guy I fell for, at the very beginning.