

I can not believe it as I am standing there just staring at this man that is driving me insane. I am supposed to be here to deliver a service to the great men and women of our country, and now it seems like I am hypnotized by one man.

How am I going to be a great support to the men and women of this vessel if I can not control myself around the Captain? He is the one person that I am supposed to have great respect for but here I am drooling over him like a young teenage girl.

I need to get my head screwed back on straight and into the mission at hand. This is but only the second day and it seems like it is going to be pure torture if I can not keep my emotions in check. I look away and focus on my work again but then my eyes wander back to him, again.

I look at his perfect body just parading before my eyes and suddenly it feels like I can not breathe. The only way that I am going to get away from this spell that he has me under is if I run away.

I put down my pen and paper and quickly make my way out of the medical bay. As soon as I have left the bay, I run as quickly as possible to my room. I close the door behind me and slide down to the floor.

I take deep breaths to try and control my thoughts but just one thought keeps on sticking to my mind. That damn hot Captain.


The few moments that I spent looking at the most beautiful woman in the world, have me completely consumed by her. I have to physically pull myself away from looking in her direction just so that I can concentrate on the people right in front of me. I give it all my attention to try and focus on the words that are coming out of the nurse's mouth but my attention is constantly somewhere else.

I walk from one person to the next and try and ask all the appropriate questions. But then I can not stop myself as I look in her direction again. To my utter disappointment, she is nowhere to be found.

I look around the room like a prey looking for its hunter. I can not help at the sudden sadness that fills my heart as I really enjoyed being with her in the same room. Suddenly, all this greeting means nothing to me and I just want to get out of this medical bay.

I want to go and look for her. If I could just have one more moment with her maybe I would be able to get out from under her grip that she has over my heart.

Then I hear a voice behind my shoulder.

"Captain, there you are. Are you enjoying yourself so far?"

Lucy. What is it with this woman that she does not get, that I do not want to be with her? I wish I can just tell her straight to her face that she must leave me alone but I have a reputation to uphold and treat everyone as equal.

"Yes, everything is as good as always. Thank you, for asking but I am afraid that I have other duties to perform as well and I am going to have to leave you now"

I watch as her face turns into despair at the words I just said to her. It is as if I have broken up with her. In her mind, we are a couple, and if I say anything remotely resembling a breakup she takes it very personally.

"Of course, you do, Captain. I do not want to stand in the way of your duties. You know of course that you are anytime welcome back here?"

She lifts her eyebrow as if she is suggesting a kiss but I avoid her eye contact and quickly make my way out with a nod of my head.

As I make my way out of the medical bay and close the doors behind me. I can not help as I take a breath of relief. That woman will suck every last piece of energy out of me. My mind wanders back to Amy and where she could possibly have gone.

Then I hear as they call me over the loudspeaker to come to the bridge. I quickly shake Amy out of my mind and make my way back to my duties. As I walk to the bridge I have a little talk with myself to get my head out of the clouds and start focusing on what I am here to do.

I get on the bridge and Peter approaches me.

"Sir, there is a bogey a few miles ahead in the north-west direction"

"Then let me have a look?"

I then take the monocular and look out over the sea in a north-westerly direction. I remember how I used to look through the monocular with my dad and how he explained to me how I should wait for the waves to be just right to see the impossible with the naked eye.

Then I spot a small dot on the edge of one of the waves. I look at the computer screen again trying to make out the form of the dot. Then I look again through the monocular and I see something that something looks like a rudder.

"I think it could be a boat. What are your thoughts?"

"We could not see it clearly, sir. We could only see a black dot. How would you like to proceed?"

"I think we should try to get a better view and approach them with caution. Let us get some men out on the deck and make sure that they are armed. How long until we reach the dot?"

"Ten minutes, sir"

"Okay, let us see what we got?"

I also make my way to the deck to see for myself what we have discovered. I do not need the monocular anymore as I can now see them with my naked eyes. It appears to be three men on the boat but they are not moving. I turn to Peter and say.

"Get someone from medical up here asap!"