

As I walk back to my station in the camp, I can not help but feel like a fool because I was standing next to the Captain like I am his equal. I would have never done that in my life because I know the respect that you need to have for the soldiers that are ranked above you and especially a Captain.

I can not help but physically shake my head as I make my way back. I am sure that Wendy and Emily must think that I am weird for doing that. But I try to avoid eye contact and just continue making the antidote.

But just as I am about to get into the camp I can not help myself looking back. To my surprise, the Captain is staring at me. He must be disgusted by my behavior and I will understand if he disciplines me in some way.

I just look back on the floor and try and keep my head low so I do not cause any more trouble. I really need to think before I act in the future.