Well Well Well


I am listening to the Captain's heartbeat but my heartbeat is so loud that I struggle to hear his. My breathing is heavy and it feels like I have been running for miles. I take the stethoscope away and just try to focus.

I clear my throat and then I put the stethoscope on his heart again. All I know is, I better get myself in check because if I do not act professionally very soon I might just lose all self-control. His upper body is just tearing my senses apart.

I calm my breathing down and then I listen to his heartbeat. I can hear that it is a bit faster than normal but it is still in the range of where it is supposed to be. Then I look into his eyes and answer his question.

"You are sounding just fine, Captain. Can you please lean a bit forward for me so that I can get to your back?"

I know that I do not want to see his back because I can only imagine how his back looks like when his stomach looks like that.

"Yes, of course"