

I listen as Ashley tells me about Lucy and her anger. I wish there was a way that I can get out from under her authority. I wish that she had no power over me because I really think she is abusing it. I know that she is not such a good doctor and she has proved it to me twice now.

But I guess I can not really say much as I am almost sure that she and the Captain have something going on. So, should not I say something bad about her as it will get to the Captain and I would possibly lose my job. So, I try to control my reaction when Ashley tells me how Lucy is upset.

"Yes, it is a shame that she feels this way. There is nothing between me and the Captain. She can have him all to herself"

When I say the last sentence it is almost as if I want to cry because the attraction that we share between each other is so undeniable and now nothing can happen because of her. Then Ashley smiles at me and says.