Hear Me


I can not believe what I just told the Captain. I feel so embarrassed and I quickly cover my mouth. Why would I tell him that I saw them and that Lucy put her hand on his forearm? That part was supposed to stay in my thoughts and not said out aloud.

Now he is asking me if I saw Lucy and him and there is no way that I can deny it because I was very specific about where her hand was. But then again I was keeping a very close eye on where she put her hand. I avoid his eye contact and then say.

"All I am trying to say is that in a medical bay you are supposed to get rest and not be disturbed in the middle of the night"


I am loving everything about this woman standing next to my bed. I love the way she says things she did not mean to and then she blushes so easily. When she covers her mouth like that she drives me insane and I wish I can just pull her in for a kiss.

But I quickly get my thoughts straight and then I say to her.