Bite My Lip


It is clear to me that the Captain is not feeling well and I think I know exactly what is wrong with him. I know the medicine for recovery from a back injury is very severe and if he did not eat he would probably not feel very well. That would also include throwing up but while he is not feeling well, he still wants me to call him by his first name.

It seems like he forgets that he is not feeling well when I am around him which is a very good thing because I need to do a check up on him. I walk a bit closer to him and then take out my phone. I put on my flashlight and then I say.

"I just need to do a quick check up, if that is okay with you?"


She finally agreed to call me by my first name without running away. It seems like I am getting through to her and I am enjoying the ride. Of course, I do not enjoy feeling the way I feel but if that is the cross that I have to bear to get her close to me then I am willing to bear it.