Fire On Command


I am looking through the monocular and I can see the enemy ship in clear sight. I am looking for the symbol to confirm whether this is the ship that we need to sink. I look at every part of the ship and finally my eyes focus on that symbol. This is indeed the ship that is not going to see the day of light again.

I take the monocular away from my eyes and then I say to my fellow crew.

"It is confirmed. Get everything ready"

I can feel my heart starting to race at the thought of us going to kill every soul on that ship. It is horrible just to think about it but I do not let myself think about it for very long. I know that they are on their way to the States and they do not care who they are going to kill.

This is a simple as either we get killed or they get killed and in this case, I want them to be the losers.

"Red lights, please"

"Yes, sir"