Medical Assistance


I can feel my heart starting to pound within my chest. I am breathing rapidly and I can hear it in my ears. I know it is time for action and we need to board the other ship. I know that I need to be strong and an example for every other soldier on the ship.

I need to be brave and have courage but I would lie if I would say that I am not nervous. I do not know what to expect on that ship and what is waiting for us. There is only one thing that I know and that thing is that the ship needs to not exist anymore. We are the only ones that can see to it that the world will not be infected by this virus.

Then I take a deep breath and I stand up. I put my hand in the air and then gesture forward with my hand.


Every one jumps up from behind the shield of the ship and then we let the bridge fall straight onto their ship. Everyone starts to run over the bridge and shoots as far as they go. I am in front leading the soldiers over the bridge.