

I know that Amy is maybe not very happy with the way I just treated her but I know that I can not do my job if I do not know that she is safe. I also know that she is very stubborn and she would not have gotten on the boat if I did not force her to. I can not see how it will work out that she is on a boat and I am on a boat.

I would not be able to handle it and I would wonder the entire time if she is okay. But right now she is okay and I can do what I need to do. I can only pray that she will get into that boat and not be stubborn and wait for me. I have to make sure that everyone is safe and I will not let a man go down with this ship. If there is someone that will go down it would be me.

I have sworn to protect these men and this ship and I have already failed the ship. There is no way that I am failing these men. I run back down and go through every room I possibly can. Some of the ships are not accessible as the water has already filled them.