Heart Stays Behind


As the boat takes me away from Amy, it is strange how some part of my heart stays on that boat. I know that she can not be in real danger at the moment but when I look at the ocean and the unstableness of it, I just don't like the fact that I am not with her.

It was easy to be on a big ship because you knew that the ocean can not really do a lot of damage to you but now that we are on the small boats in the middle of a scary big ocean, things just don't look so good anymore. Then I try to get what I need to get done, done as quickly as possible.

I want to return back to Amy and I want her to feel safe. I do not know how I am going to figure it out but I want to sit next to her and make her feel safe. Lucy is going to be a bit of a problem because I know she will keep her eye on me.