

I watch as the captain puts on some sort of an device on my knee that looks like a vice grip of some sort. While he tightens it on my knee he looks at me smiling as if he's enjoying every moment of it. This is the first time that I move my eyes from his eyes and look at the device. I think it was the biggest mistake that I could have done.

Because when I look at the device the fear that was in my heart now turns to horror. I am already in severe pain because of the nail that he took from my toe and now I can only imagine how it must be feeling to break your bones in your knee.

I quickly look back at his eyes again and this time I see something else. He is not the calm and collected captain that I met just a few moments ago but now he looks just like the devil. I could swear that he has grown horns and he has a pitchfork in his hand. It is clear to me that I am starting to hallucinate.