Comfort In Touch


I sit on the bed and patiently wait for Emily to finish the sutures. I can not help but think about the Captain and the torture that he had to go through. It is clear that his body is completely broken and I can not help feeling very grateful to have him in our lives. He has truly shown us all what a Captain should be.

"Okay, you are all patched up. Now, would you just rest a little bit so you can regain your energy? Maybe sleep a little? You have been through hell"

I know what she is saying is the truth and I do feel extremely exhausted.

"Okay, but just for an hour or two. Then I am going to help the rest of the patients"

"I guess, I can not l ask for more"

She smiles and pats me on the shoulder while she makes her way to some of her other patients. I lay back down on my pillow and then keep my eyes glued on the Captain. I hope he is going to be okay and just like that I fall asleep.