

Finally, Lucy has decided to leave me while I was acting to close my eyes. I have to prepare myself mentally for what is about to happen tomorrow and I can not do it if I'm not alone. I know that this is not my ship and I do not have my quarters here but if I can just be alone that would be enough.

After thinking things through and making a plan of action, I ask nurse Ashley to get me the Lieutenant. I have a few things that I need to discuss with him. We need to prepare for tomorrow and I struggle to recover and think at the same time.

I start to wonder how I'm going to move around if I do not have a kneecap. I know that no one can do something about it right now but there is no way that I can be in a wheelchair or on crutches.

They have tried to steady my leg with some bandages but I know that would not hold. I must be able to almost run if necessary but I hope that we would be able to sink the ship without having a hand to hand combat.