What My Heart Wants


I really hope that I am wrong and that she has not run away. Soon nurse Ashley comes back with a plate of food and helps me sit upright to eat. I remember, not too long ago, it was Amy that help me to sit upright, and now I only get nurse Ashley.

"Thank you"

"It is my pleasure, Captain. Please let me know if you need anything else"

Everything in me wants to ask her where is Dr. Michaels but then it would sound suspicious. I do not need a doctor at this moment and nurse Ashley has been looking well after me.


I make my way back to the medical bay, hoping to avoid Lucy as far as I go. I would not like to have another encounter with her because it seems like she's trying to threaten me somehow. As I walk through the corridors, I can not stop myself from laughing about what happened in the mess hall.