Take A Leap Of Faith


I jump awake because I realize that it is dark and I have slept almost the entire day. I knew that I was exhausted but never thought that I was this exhausted. But I lay back down because I realized I am home. I am not on some foreign ship that I know nothing about.

I gladly want to get up and take a shower. I never had the chance to do it on the enemy ship and even if I did, I did not want to. I do not really want to think about what happened back on that ship, not only because of the torturing that took place but because I will be thinking about Zac.

I just can not believe what power he managed to have over my heart in such a short time. We do not even know each other that well and for some reason I can not get him out of my mind. I stand up and make my way to the bathroom to take a shower. It feels so good to have clean hair that smells like lavender.