Matching Wedding Bands

Early in the morning, Adam woke up with his wife still sleeping in his arms and smiled peacefully. At least she had not protested his love!  And even though she had not accepted all the reasons that he mentioned that she loved him, she had not denied any of the reasons. Getting up, he picked up the matching pair of wedding bands and wondered if she would be open to wearing them. The pair of rigs that they had exchanged at the time of pretending for the Mou's was still with him but he had wanted to give her something. It was why he had this made. Now that she knew the truth, he could give it to her. On the inside of this ring he had inscribed the date when they had first met. Thinking carefully he debated if he should slip the ring on her finger when she was still asleep or if he should wait to wake her up. Finally, he decided to wait and took out the other item that he had brought for her before their last concert..