How To Confess?

"She loved him!" As Alice repeated these lines in her mind again and again, the snide voice inside of her seemed to mock her as she said, "Well duh! Happy realization! What did you think was happening when you were unable to control yourself and kept gravitating to him? What was that? Science?" 

'Uhh! Alice Faye! You need to stop being so sarcastic all the time!"

"Well then, Alice Faye you should have had some common sense and realized long ago that you had fallen in love! And even now, instead of going and confessing to the object of your love you are here sitting in front of the screen debating if you should confess to him!"

"Hey! I am not debating! I was actually looking for ways to confess and then there are all these people who are saying that girls should not confess.. It is why I was a bit confused!"

"Well, because you have used the wrong search. You need to search for 'How to confess to your lover' and not 'how should a girl confess'..