
Chapter 1: Reborn

It was on a typical day in a city, a youth in his 20s was walking home after purchasing gundam model kit. This youth is Qin Feng, ever since his childhood where he watch the gundam series, he has always been excited about mecha related franchise, be it figurine or even mecha printed clothing's.

He loved mecha so much that he pursued his study in electronic and computer engineering and hope to one day realise his dream of creating a prototype of one.

Qin Feng was going to take the rapid train back home when suddenly, a group of unknown individuals with suspicious get ups was surrounded by local police. The local police seemongly trying to convince the group to surrender. However one of the individual suddenly press a button while laughing manically.

Next thing Qin Feng know


An enormous explosion occured in the train station. It was a bombing by terrorist to cause terror and panic. Unfortunately Qin Feng was caught up in this bombing and lose his life without realising his dream.

Unknown to others, a strange event occur at the time of explosion. A small fragment of space had warped and swallowed Qin Feng soul into a different time and space. At the same time in the void a intelligent being with unknown origin latch onto Qin Feng soul and protected Qin Feng soul as they were transported together into a different time and space.

After a unknown amount of time, Qin Feng who is in lucid state finally feel that he had landed somewhere and lost consciousness.

In a luxurious house, inside a big room lay a baby with black glossy hair, big round jade eyes and a very cute face just woke up. This is Qin Feng who had been reborn. "What happen? where am I" Qin Feng thought as he look at the white ceiling of the room. He then tried to move but was unable to. In a panicked he tried to shout and move his leg but all that is heard is a baby babbling and his arm and leg barely moving. "what happen to my body?" he thought. Suddenly he remembered the memory before his death, a explosion occured and he was unfortunately caught in it. Then he was followed up by more confusion, why wasn't he dead.

"I saved you, you better be greatful, for I am the greatest Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the galaxy has chosen you as my partner." a childish young boy voice resounded in his mind. " what the, am I hearing voice and hallucinating now?" Qin Feng was confused.

"Stupid, I am real" the boy replied

"Eh, you are real, who are you,what are you and why can I hear you" Qin Feng asked

"As I said I am the greatest support AI in the galaxy created by lost technology from a ancient civilization called Astagroth, I have a soul as well as the capability of a AI so I can support my chosen partner and thus able to communicate, I have no name as I recently awaken when I join with your soul and protect your fragile soul from collapsing in the the travel through time and space" the boy replied

"Unbelievable, I still not sure what is going on but I will call you little Asta from now on, hope we can work together from now on and thank you for saving me." Qin Feng replied

"What little Asta??!!, what a simple and cute name" Asta complained. However he is secretly happy to have a name and someone to interact with after years of being alone in the void.

While both Qin Feng and Asta was communicating in their mind, a elegant young lady, with fair skin, long and smooth hair that is flowing like water, purple eyes that looks mesmerizing and a shapely body that is both very enticing yet elegant at the same time walked in the room towards the baby crib. She picked up Qin Feng and say in a motherly calming voice "oh our little Feng must be hungry by now". then she took tried to breastfeed Qin Feng. Qin Feng realised she is his new mother and had the same name Feng as his previous life as well as she speak english. At the same time he was rejecting the idea of being breastfeed, however his stomach betrayed his thought and instinctively feed on her breastmilk. Qin Feng drank until he was full and fell asleep again.

The routine continue as a baby of being fed and played with his mother who is named Qin xue, sleeping and talking to Asta. Through the things his mother speak to him, he know that he has a father in the military and was frequently not at home. He also know that this world is very different because he had seen his mother summoning water and ice to play with him as well as high technology gadget that look like it came out from a sci fi movie.

He was then informed by Asta that humans can cultivate in the galaxy and fought with monsters that existed in the universe with powers or with war machines like spaceship and mecha. This has then ignited Qin Feng joy and passion in aiming to ride in a real mecha.