Rescue and Aftermath

Chapter 5: Rescue and Aftermath

"Ancient time art: time freeze"

The world went still, the explosion froze in place, the collapsing building froze, the people as well as the criminal froze. I tried moving my body but it is like it was locked in place. However it seems that I am still aware in the world of time freeze, being able to see and think. Everything else within the shopping mall froze and disconnected from the the time freeze world. It was both scary and incredible at the same time to witness such a powerful and maginficent power being unleashed. Time itself had frozen for everything inside the mall, saving the innocents from the mall just in time.

The only one capable of moving in this time freeze world is the caster of this technique. He is a middle age man in his 40s wearing formal military attire and a crest that depict a star with 2 sword like wings by the side of the star. It was a mesmerizing sight, with the power aura the man gave out and the 8 shing halos surrounding him indicating he is a tier 8, spirit sage of at least level 80. He went on to apprehend all the criminals and locked them with specialized handcuff for cultivators that sucked away their spirit power. He then knocked all of the criminals unconscious. With all the precaution done, the time freeze world return back to normal.

It was a quick battle, the military overwealm the criminal with absolute strength and it ended so quickly. Other military soldiers responded quickly as trained, rushed into the mall to remove other armed weapons and detain the criminal away. Meanwhile medics also rush in to save all the injured. My family and I are luckily uninjured so we were promptly sent off so we can go back home.

After a day of such disaster, I am too tired to even think or train. It was a roller coaster experienced with the fear of being attack and finally relieved when we are rescued. The trip back home was a quiet one and everyone was still shock with the event. So when we get home, we take a quick dinner, went to the bedroom and shower. My mother also insist of me to sleep together with her and little shui this time so she can comfort us.

'I am still not strong enough, I need to train more and be strong enough to protect my family the next time! I can't let fate decide for me, if the strong cultivator didn't reach on time, there might be more casualty and we would not be able to escape. I also need to be strong so I can protect those innocent and not feel so helpless ever again' I set this goal as I slowly let sleep take over me.

This incident had further strengthen my resolve in being stronger and protect the innocents from the criminals and other evil organisations.


The next morning, when I woke up and went downstairs, mom was watching the morning news.

"Yesterday evening at 1700, criminals of the 'Red Devils' are escaping from the military after a attempt to sell illegal products. While escaping, they had taken control over a shopping mall and the civilians inside as hostages."

"Negotiations to the criminal failed and 31 casualties have been confirmed and a few injured. Many others have been emotionally frightened and aids have been given to all the victims to help them"

"Timely rescue by major shiva, a powerful time element cultivator had resolved the attacker and an explosion that could had caused further more casualties"

"I would like to thank the military for the quick rescue response and save the lives of many from the despicable criminals!" the news reporter reported

'Well look like they are trying to control the situation by using the media to report the cultivator as a hero even though many lives have been lost. This is a propaganda to earn sympathy of the masses and support for the military. Well it works and people support it' I thought sarcastically, still feeling upset with the attack event. Mom seem to get over it already and was preparing a delicious meal for us to forget the sad memory of yesterday.

'No time to feel upset and dwell in the past, I need to continue with my training deligently, I am still a insignifant person in front of the truly strong. The power shown by major shiva is really shocking and powerful and I want to be like him one day. Let's start by getting some weights to train as well"

"let's first start increasing my spirit power, I have already consolidate the foundation of my spirit power and is ready for the next realm."

I went to my bedroom, sat crossleg on my bed and meditate. I sense the spirit power in the air, absorb it and convert to spirit power that I can use. Once my spirit power have reached the maximum, I use my entire power to breakthrough the next realm.

'ka-chak' the sound of a barrier breaking, I have easily succeed in breaking through of the next realm, Tier 2 spirit soldier level 21.

I feel much more powerful as there is are both quantitative and qualitative changes to my spirit power. The increment in power is very intoxicating and I am feel like I have a lot power. This must be why some stories state that cultivator lose themselves to power hunger and commit evil, so I must not get too ahead of myself. I keep my calm and continue to meditate and stabilize the spirit power.

After hours of meditating, I finally stabilize the spirit power without any issue, which means that I have time to understand my newfound power. According to my understanding, spirit soldier will now possess a spirit soul that represents the individual. The spirit soul can be a animal or a tool which can aid in fighting. examples of animal spirit soul can be a white tiger that will be summon as a fighter. Whereas tool spirit soul can be a sword that will be summon and wield by the user to fight.

To summon the spirit soul, one have to go to the spirit power core and pull it out. I do as instructed, suddenly my vision became sharper and wider. I look into the mirror and I saw my eyes glowing purple with a beautiful pattern.I only have one thought in my mind.
