No need

Lyman was feeling very bad right now. He thought of inviting Brad Pitt to play the role because he thought highly of him as the original character. Brad Pitt had considerable influence and market appeal, which was why Lyman considered the invitation. However, after this incident, it was difficult for people in the know to have a good impression of him.

But as Sandy and George said, if it's just a negotiation tactic, they still need to negotiate. After all, they have been in contact for a long time, and it's not easy to find someone more suitable than Brad Pitt in a short period of time.

The next day, both parties agreed on a time and place to meet. However, the negotiations fell apart once again.

Brad Pitt's negotiating team showed willingness to compromise on salary but insisted on having a stake in the investment, clearly indicating that they wanted to bring their own resources into the project. Upon learning the outcome, Lyman angrily rushed to the CAA headquarters.

When Kevin Huvane appeared in the reception room, his smiling face did not dispel Lyman's dissatisfaction. "Hi, Director Lyman, we meet again." They exchanged pleasantries and polite greetings, but it was all a facade.

"Is this Brad Pitt's decision, or what?"

Throughout the negotiation process, the other party never showed up, and instead, CAA agents participated. Lyman came this time to get a clear answer.

Although he also agreed with what Sandy said, that they belonged to the same camp, who knew what CAA really thought?

Kevin sighed inwardly; he knew Lyman came here for this matter. But what could he do? CAA employed a multiple-agent cross-management system for A-list celebrities like Brad Pitt, who had more resources and belong to multiple agencies. Besides, the agents behind him also had their own agendas. CAA was a collective, but they were not always unified in their approach, and there were various small circles within.

"I don't know, Mr. Lyman..."

Kevin's words were interrupted by Lyman. "I just want to know if there is any room for negotiation regarding Brad Pitt's conditions. If not, there's nothing more to discuss."

Kevin didn't get angry, and he said tactfully, "Do you know who holds the most shares in Plan B?"

"What?" Lyman didn't quite understand.

"Brad Alan Grey is the key figure in this matter. Plan B was founded by him, Pitt, and Pitt's wife Jennifer Aniston. With their resources, connections, and channels, we see great potential in their studio. Moreover, Brad Grey has good relationships with several top executives at Paramount Pictures."

Kevin emphasized the word "we", and in an instant, Lyman had some speculations. But what Lyman didn't know was that what Kevin mentioned about Brad Grey's relationship with Paramount Pictures was an understatement. In the future, Brad Grey would become the CEO of Paramount Pictures, and it wasn't just a matter of having a good relationship to explain that. The connections in the industry are complex and intricate!

To sum it up, the representatives of CAA, led by Kevin and Bryan, really wanted the "Fury" project to proceed smoothly because they wanted to have a hand in it. On the other hand, the CAA side, represented by Brad Pitt, wanted to participate in Plan B and ideally obtain a certain stake to have a say, as Plan B had great potential. As for Paramount Pictures, they somehow managed to secure the North American distribution rights and a share of the profits for "Fury", but their stake was probably not significant. Otherwise, they wouldn't need Brad Pitt to urgently acquire a certain investment share.

But within this, one needed to look at two aspects: the executives behind Brad Grey at Paramount Pictures and the Paramount executives who valued the project itself. After all, it was a movie project with a production cost of $50M, and no one wanted it to fail. That also meant that they wouldn't go too far, and from their perspective, biting on $5M was not excessive at all.

Perhaps Brad Pitt's presence was actually the least significant in this matter. It was clear that he wasn't an ignorant person. He clearly knew that taking something he shouldn't take, even if successful, would lead to a deteriorated relationship between the two sides. Yet he still did it. Why? He was an actor. Couldn't he see through all of this?

As a newcomer who gained media attention by dating "Rachel" and attracted a lot of attention, he was able to obtain film and television resources. After marriage, Jennifer Aniston's continuous support made many people say he was riding on her coattails, but he firmly held onto that tree.

In the future, he achieved fame and success, and quickly divorced, then pursued Angelina Jolie. It could be gleaned that his patience, cunning, and scheming were all top-notch. Couldn't he see that?

Lyman and Kevin exchanged a glance and understood each other's meaning. However, understanding aside, there were some things that couldn't be compromised. Lyman was the director, and initially, he had a somewhat favorable and preconceived concept of Brad Pitt's portrayal of the character, but to say that he had high expectations would not be accurate.

Now, they were demanding to bring their own resources into the project, and if conflicts were to arise on set in the future, it would undoubtedly create a difficult situation between both parties. The worst thing is being taken advantage of by honored guests. Who doesn't have their own thoughts?

Seeing that Kevin seemed to still be pondering, trying to say something to ease the situation, Lyman didn't hesitate and said directly, "Since we can't reach a consensus, then let's change the person."

"Change the person?" Sandy was taken aback in an office at Paramount Pictures.

Often, ideas are good, but implementation is not always smooth sailing. This matter had already deviated from Lyman's envisioned trajectory for the project and couldn't be left unattended. "Do you really think we should agree to their negotiation conditions and share the benefits with them? If Paramount Pictures is willing to take full responsibility, then I can accept it."

Sandy smiled brightly, not engaging in that topic. What a joke, how could they sacrifice only their own side?

"What about the choice for the role?" Sandy continued, "Do you have suitable targets?"

"This is Hollywood," Lyman slowly replied, "No one is irreplaceable."

Actors like Brad Pitt are at best of average skill level; it's their ample resources and significant fame that have brought them to where they are today. A market appeal is built up slowly through repeated exposure to audiences in movie theaters. Who can become a sensation overnight? Of course, excluding Leonardo DiCaprio, who has indeed created waves!

Are there no actors more handsome or sexier than him? Would influential actors disappear without him? Fame is all about publicity, and there are more than a dozen titles like "English Rose". The so-called sexiest man in Hollywood who plays it cool and sells his face?

Thinking about it, Lyman couldn't help but curl his lips, feeling even more determined to change the cast.

"Sandy, send a letter tomorrow rejecting the meeting with Brad Pitt's negotiation team."

"Okay, I understand," Sandy replied.

Soon, George also arrived. Lyman had called him to inform him about changing the actor.

"There are many options available, like Tom Cruise, Jude Law, Daniel Craig... There are quite a few male actors over 30 with fame." Obviously, George fully agreed with Lyman's decision.

Lyman pondered in his mind, selecting male actors who had previously played war-related roles. "Even if it takes a bit more time, we can't give in," George continued.

"Of course." Once a decision is made, they still had plenty of confidence.

After the conversation concluded, Sandy was busy rejecting the negotiation team behind Brad Pitt.

Just as Lyman left the office, preparing to think about who would be more suitable for the role of "Wardaddy", George quickly caught up with him.

"We must be cautious with CAA; our relationship with them..."

"I understand," Lyman interjected.

Apparently, his meeting with Kevin Huvane was a bit rough. However, Lyman wasn't the type of person who enjoyed constant conflicts and pointless speculation. It wouldn't benefit anyone to have a strained relationship with CAA. What happened earlier was just a result of being angry, and his mind was also somewhat clogged up. No matter what, CAA was also one of the project's partners and responsible for his personal agent contract.

"You've been deep in thought," George walked alongside Lyman, "Have you thought of a suitable replacement for Brad Pitt?"

"Not yet, but I have some ideas." Just as mentioned at the beginning, in Hollywood, no one is irreplaceable. Lyman was just contemplating which actor would be more suitable.

"Don't worry, it's always good to have more options. There's no need to rush; the set design and props are still in the planning stage," George reassured.

"How are René and Thomas doing?"

After the actors' auditions, Thomas and René went to help with those things. Lyman didn't know how the progress was going.

"Not too well. They're exhausted every day. Yesterday, I heard René complaining about why you haven't come yet," George said with a laugh.

A smile appeared on Lyman's face. "He's always like that, a few complaints and then it passes."

"Keep up the hard work; these little matters won't defeat us."

"Well...," Lyman sighed and didn't continue speaking because they had reached the elevator.

Waving to George, he entered the elevator first and left the Paramount Pictures studio. The troubles that arose from the disrupted plans were truly giving him a headache. Ah!