Display of closeness

On November 20th, the weather was decent, with no rain but a bit gloomy.

At Los Angeles International Airport, Lyman, Thomas, René, and George carried their luggage and boarded an extended black Lincoln. The driver sent by Paramount Pictures to handle their transportation dropped them off at the Hilton Hotel in downtown after a polite farewell and returned.

Lyman found his suite, placed his luggage, and had a good sleep to alleviate the fatigue of the journey. Around 1 p.m., after having lunch and greeting René, Thomas, and George, Lyman took a taxi and left the hotel alone. The journey was smooth until they reached their destination. Lyman paid the fare, got out of the car, and walked to the gate of an estate, taking out his phone to make a call.

"Have you arrived yet?" Kevin Huvane's voice turned into radio waves and echoed in Lyman's ear through the phone. "Or did you just get off the plane?"

Upon hearing this, Lyman walked under the surveillance camera installed at the entrance of the estate, waved his hand, and stepped inside after the iron gates slid open on both sides. "I'm sure, I've arrived."

"Alright, I'll hang up for now." The sound of a car engine starting came through the phone.

After entering the estate, Lyman walked to a shady spot and put his phone back in his pocket. He looked around with curiosity; it was his first time visiting Kevin's home. Well, as a manager, inviting clients to one's own home for a meeting was a common way to establish a better rapport. Moreover, in a country like North America with a strong religious atmosphere, there were good opportunities to build relationships.

However, Lyman was always busy with his schedule, and when he had free time, he did various idle things. Perhaps, that's what directors do. Also, he spent much more time in France than in the United States, so even though he had been signed with CAA for almost half a year, he had never been to such a private place, let alone today when Kevin decided to hold a birthday party for his 8-year-old son.

He didn't want to come, thinking it would be awkward. But despite Kevin's several phone calls inviting him, under the pressure of his enthusiasm and the benefit of maintaining a good relationship with CAA's top management, he decided to come... just like that.

Lyman stood on the side of the road, unsure if there was anyone inside the house. Well, since Cage-Hovin hadn't shown up, he was afraid it would be awkward, so he waited. After a while, the person who had just called came back. Kevin drove a black Mercedes-Benz business car and parked it steadily in the estate's parking lot. He courteously greeted Lyman.

"Happy birthday." After the door opened, Lyman warmly said, offering a gift. "I brought red wine and French caviar. I was also thinking of bringing something local, but after considering it, I was afraid it wouldn't suit your taste. So, to be safe, I didn't bring anything. Will it leave a good impression?"

Kevin gave a gracious smile in response, and the beautiful girl who came with him giggled.

She kindly said, "Director Lyman, I've been looking forward to meeting you. I really like the movies you directed."

"May I introduce my wife, Michelle O'Brien," Kevin said, introducing her next to him.

Lyman's slightly dazed expression immediately returned to normal, and he warmly shook Michelle's outstretched right hand. "Nice to meet you, Michelle..."

Although he spoke politely, his thoughts were: Damn, I thought you had a grown-up daughter. I didn't expect Kevin, who looks so mature, to marry someone so young. Indeed, men always like women who are a couple of rounds younger than themselves.

As it was his first time at Kevin's house so he was given an additional tour by the owner. "There's a large outdoor swimming pool, a small one indoors; there's a well-maintained tennis court in the backyard with all the facilities; a garden, bedrooms on the second floor; dining room and kitchen on the first floor, guest rooms on the third floor; reading room, wine cellar, cigar room..."

Lyman had a feeling that he was being taken on a tour of a luxury mansion by a real estate agent. Kevin's house was decorated in the same minimalist style as his own, following that extreme simplicity. The estate was so big and immaculate.

"A very charming and comfortable house," Lyman sincerely complimented Kevin after the tour.

"I think you should consider buying a property in the United States as well. After all, you often commute between the two countries, and living in hotels all the time wouldn't be so convenient. How about it? If you think my suggestion is good, I can introduce a reliable real estate agent to you," Kevin said with a smile.

Lyman responded with a perfect fake smile on his face and, on the contrary, thought that staying in hotels was much better. "Yes, I will consider it. Let's go downstairs for now. I don't want to keep you, the host, waiting while leaving the hostess alone. She might be complaining about me."

"Haha." His little mischief clearly worked, and Kevin finally brushed past the previous topic.

"Hey," Michelle hurried over and unabashedly kissed Kevin before saying, "Where's Lillian? Did you call her?"

"She's still at the law firm; she'll probably come later," Kevin replied.

Michelle continued, "And what about Hal?"

"I don't know; he should be arriving soon."

Around 5 p.m., with the arrival of several guests one after another, the birthday banquet naturally began.

"Lyman, this is Lillian, the patent lawyer for Latham & Watkins," Kevin introduced, glancing at Lillian. He continued, "Latham & Watkins is one of the largest law firms in the United States."

"This is the advertising manager from ABC Television..."

"This is the distribution manager from Paramount Pictures, Mr. Davis."


Although both sides were not familiar with each other, the introduction was awkward. But with an intermediary present and gathering everyone in the form of a birthday banquet, Kevin was clearly skilled at setting the atmosphere, and the overall atmosphere of the banquet turned out to be quite good.

Lyman was busy being introduced to the network circle that Kevin had built, and they actually had a gesture of goodwill and were willing to chat with him. This birthday banquet could be described as a grand gathering of Hollywood film resources, and with the host being a skilled speaker, the atmosphere remained lively throughout.

In the end, most people bid their farewells after dinner and went on to enjoy their respective nightlife, while Lyman, at the suggestion of Kevin, stayed behind.

"Paramount Pictures brought some market analysis documents for "Fury"," Kevin's face was a little flushed from drinking, but his mind was obviously clear. He gestured towards the direction of the second floor. "Let the janitor clean up here, Michelle, you stay on the first floor for now." Then, he looked at Lyman. "Let's go upstairs and chat for a while."

"Of course." Lyman nodded towards Michelle beside him. "Is there any news? You know, I just arrived here recently..."

He walked upstairs with Kevin, faintly hearing Michelle's complaint, "But, darling... why do you treat me like an outsider?"

The two entered a study, and Kevin casually closed the door, then went to a drawer of a desk and took out several documents.

"These are market research reports on "Fury" based on the entire investment. Take a look first."

Taking the documents handed over by Kevin, Lyman looked at the data and the analysis of profit prospects on it, and spoke, "They think our film "Fury" should be able to earn around $36M in the first week, but the final North American box office can only barely break even with the investment cost. Paramount Pictures doesn't have high expectations?"

The more he thought about it, the more puzzled Lyman became, and fortunately, he asked.

"It's not that Paramount Pictures doesn't have high expectations, it's just an opinion given by a market analysis agency. Paramount Pictures just forwarded it to me."

"Why bother looking at this? It's already like this, can't we give up?" Lyman couldn't help but find it laughable.

"Paramount... isn't always courteous. I heard that Sherry Lansing's recent situation is getting worse. Board members have openly questioned her leadership and called for her to step down."

"Huh, what does that have to do with us?"

"It doesn't have much to do with us," Kevin opened another drawer of a bookshelf, gesturing. "Cigar?"

"No, it's too late, and I have to go back." Lyman shook his head in refusal.

"Without her strong support, our future plans might be greatly affected, including the operation of the foreign-language film for the Oscars. That's what worries me. After all, no matter who takes over at Paramount Pictures, the operation of "Fury" won't stop. They've invested so much, how can they just let it go." Even if it was a bitter fruit, they still had to at least savour its bitterness until the end. That was the situation.

"The results haven't come out yet, and the movie hasn't officially premiered. It's useless to say more. We'll know the outcome the day after tomorrow." Lyman said calmly, "As long as this can prove that all the investment was worthwhile, Paramount Pictures and Sherry Lansing won't have such risks, right?"

"Of course, a movie alone can't change that." Kevin paused and smiled, "But no one will question her leadership like this. She can handle troubles even more calmly."

"Then let's preemptively wish her good foresight. I have confidence in my own work. Bye. It's too late, I'll go back first."

Kevin drove him away, but instead of going to the hotel, Lyman went to an apartment building...

The night may be dark, but it has its own flavor...
