Filming routine (1)

After the completion of the makeup photoshoot, the latest issue of the Los Angeles Times entertainment section cooperated with Paramount Pictures to start generating hype.

Of course, many other regional media and magazines with considerable circulation also received their "benefits" and helped spread the news. Soon, most of those who were interested in film development, actors, directors, and fans came to know about this matter.

The Los Angeles Times wrote in its report, "We are eagerly anticipating the sparks that will fly when Tom Cruise collides with Heath Ledger, Nicolas Cage, and other actors in this crime genre film."

An accompanying picture depicted the confrontation of the several individuals in a meeting room. Their sharp gazes, combined with the various expressions of other characters, stirred the imagination of the readers.

Regrettably, the film did not disclose any more information, as Lyman was highly focused on maintaining secrecy. He did not wish to attract too much attention during the filming process, especially from the intrusive journalists or paparazzi. A little slip in security measures, and the film crew would have no peaceful days ahead.


"On-set, everyone, please be quiet. Clear the area, and return to your respective positions to double-check the filming equipment."

"Attention, all departments. Actors are preparing to enter the scene, makeup and set design teams, stand by."

James Wan held a megaphone, providing detailed instructions.

Lyman, on the other hand, sat comfortably behind the director's monitor, feeling quite content.

Having a deputy director had many advantages; he could delegate many of the complicated trivialities to him. James, being someone willing to endure hardship and work diligently, made Lyman's life slightly less strenuous.

"Lyman, are they all ready? Shall we begin?" Not long after, James, having completed his inspection rounds, approached Lyman to inquire.

Since signing the contract with the deputy director, James found joy in receiving a salary every day and being able to put his knowledge into practice. It truly made him feel elated.

"Yes, let's begin."

"Camera 1, ready."

"Camera 2, ready."

"Lighting is fine."

"Audio is good."


This was the first scene filmed today. Due to the promotional activities, the meeting room set from the previous day was not dismantled. After all, time had been too short to complete all the scenes. So, on the second day of filming, they continued with the same setup.

"Our big family cannot remain without a leader for even a day, and Mr. Johnson's departure was quite unexpected," Heath, seated in his position, took the lead in speaking.

The word 'unexpected' was emphasized, and he looked playfully at the third-in-command.

In the early 20th century, Robert Johnson founded the gang organization "Golden Gate Group" in Los Angeles. Through continuous encroachment on other gang forces or enticing divisions, he quickly became the true underground emperor of Los Angeles.

By day, he was against the police, but by night, he was in control.

However, everyone has a day of turning old, and the once formidable leader gradually became unable to bear too much responsibility. The entire "Golden Gate Group" gradually evolved into an era where several individuals managed different business affairs.

And now, this balance had been shattered.

"So, we need to select a new leader," Heath withdrew his gaze, crossing his hands on the table with a calm tone. "What do you all think?"

The "Golden Gate Group", rather than being called a mere gang, was more aptly described as a business conglomerate with gang power at its core. They controlled many resources in the open in Los Angeles, and the higher-ups had grown accustomed to this comfortable life, making it difficult to oppose anything.

Following the second-in-command's suggestion, everyone spoke up.

"I agree with the election."

"Absolutely, we need a new leader."


James stood behind the monitor, watching the scenes framed by several camera angles, glancing at Lyman's focused face beside him.

Camera angles represented the perspective and the scene that the lenses aimed to portray. They could express certain intentions through the changes in angles.

At this moment, under the coverage of the three cameras, wide shots, close-ups, and detailed shots were continuously and skillfully switched by Lyman.

The sunlight streamed through the floor-to-ceiling windows, filling the meeting room with laughter and conversation.

Sly smiles, insincere smiles, awkward smiles, and forced smiles...

A picture depicting the myriad aspects of human life slowly unfolded.

Heath stood up from his seat, facing the glass window. A halo of light scattered from one side of his face, while the other half seemed to be concealed in shadow.

"Hmm," his brow lightly furrowed, eyes gazing downward, but a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. The image of a cunning and fierce character came to life on paper.

As described by the evaluation within the police department, he was a hungry wolf, extremely aggressive.

"Let's go," he said. His subordinates immediately followed, and when passing by the seat where the third-in-command sat, they intentionally paused for a moment before leaving quickly.

The other high-ranking members also bid farewell. Nicolas remained seated, rubbing his hair anxiously.

Because he knew that the peaceful days would be over from now on.

He hadn't noticed Tom sitting next to him, but in the camera's frame, Tom's lips lifted slightly, his gaze fixated on the tabletop. A mix of relaxation and deep concern filled his expression.


Lyman's loud shout marked the completion of this scene.

"You all did great," he praised.

Jason Statham had been feeling uneasy, fearing he might make a mistake and have to redo the scene, but thankfully, the director was satisfied and even praised them.

This scene was challenging to shoot, and while there were a few bumps along the way, they ultimately succeeded.

Especially surprising was Tom's remarkable performance.

He portrayed the character perfectly.

Although the main focus of this scene was the confrontation between the two leaders, Tom's shots were just a few glances and a few steps, without any lines.

But even in such simplicity, it could become quite challenging.

Tom had a solid foundation; after all, he had been acting for many years, gaining plenty of acting experience.

However, he had one unreliable trait – whenever he smiled, his eyes softened, giving off an amiable and playful vibe.

It seemed like he had played the role of a handsome and cool character too often, leading to these unconscious gestures.

Just like the future Huang Xiaoming, whose charming smile was so dazzling when it appeared on Yang Guo.

It wasn't that such details were bad, but they were misplaced.

Tom was undoubtedly a highly professional person. Besides his good looks, his dedication played a significant role in his success.

The most crucial factor was that he didn't act like a big shot, which was a very commendable trait.

He could take constructive criticism.

Actors dreaded not awkward acting skills but rather being aware of their awkwardness and still refusing to change.

After listening to Lyman's reminder, Tom consciously restrained these long-developed habits.

That was a good thing.

"Time is tight, let's rearrange the set."

As Lyman's urgent voice sounded, everyone got busy again.

Thomas directed his assistants to move the camera equipment, while he himself went to the side to adjust the position of the second camera according to the shooting plan. Only two cameras would be needed for the scene.

During this time, the actors hurried to the dressing room, some touching up their makeup, others removing it, and some changing their clothes.

After understanding the situation, Nicolas brought a folding chair and sat next to Lyman.

"Lyman, you've found a dedicated deputy director," he said with a hint of emotion.

From afar, they could see James helping to dismantle the set, then assisting with props, and occasionally communicating with the lighting and camera crew...

In short, he was always busy when not shooting.

"Young people, so full of energy." He was genuinely satisfied with this deputy director.

Such conscientiousness was bound to be well-received.

Most of the crew members were familiar with Lyman, and these two days of shooting had brought James closer to them.

He was willing to work and could handle work anywhere.

Thinking of this, Lyman glanced at James, who was adjusting the scene, and smiled faintly.

For the sake of cultivating certain "habits" he had in mind, when he first saw James, he had intended to test him.

Even if the work did not meet the standard, he had planned to give him the title of a director's assistant, allowing him to learn and hone his skills with the crew.

But James, the first-time director, proved to be talented. Not only was his foundation solid, but his shooting style also had that atmosphere typical of a Wen-style horror movie.

In this line of work, a touch of spirituality and aesthetics mattered a lot.

Clearly, James was gifted.

And if someone was talented and hardworking, that was truly remarkable. If such a person didn't succeed, it would be simply unreasonable.

The Mann Studio had not been on the right track precisely because of a lack of manpower and talent.

In the past, Lyman had thought that he would make films for the sake of convenience, without considering how to expand the studio.

Now... he thought he would let things take their course.

Whether it was for the future of the studio or to satisfy his own sense of accomplishment in discovering talent, Lyman was quite willing to mentor James.

"Lyman, everything is ready."

"Okay, take a rest for a while."

Lyman stood up and looked at the transformed scene, which was now the office of the second-in-command, replacing the previous meeting room.

The following scene was about Heath Ledger threatening, coaxing, and intimidating the high-ranking members of the gang to garner their support in his bid for leadership.

After all, when the "Golden Gate Group" was first established as a legitimate gang, he was already a member, and his seniority was higher than that of the third-in-command.

"People die, and life goes on. Isn't that the truth?" Heath sat on the sofa, smiling amiably. "You are all members of the gang. Who do you think should be the new leader?"

Looking around, no one spoke; they just offered awkward smiles.

At such a critical moment, no one dared to choose sides. They were all experienced old hands who naturally refused to commit easily.

Heath suddenly exploded in rage. His face still bore a smile, but it was a cold one. He slapped one of the gang members closest to him, and Samuel L. Jackson was knocked to the ground.

It was a real slap because they aimed for realism and used close-up shots, making Samuel bear the brunt of it.
