Living freely

The mortal realm needed a goddess, and so Sophie Marceau descended.

When we mention her, the words that come to mind are nothing other than beauty and sensuality.

She's hailed as the "eternal love" of French men and the "French kiss" in "The Party".

Interestingly, in France, it's not just men who adore her; many women also collect Sophie's films for their husbands.

They say that if someone likes her, it at least proves their refined taste.

During her youth, Sophie grew up in the suburbs of Paris.

Her parents favored boys over girls, so Sophie was raised like a boy from a young age.

And her debut was completely accidental.

In 1980, French director Pinoteau put out a casting call to find the female lead for "The Party".

Sophie saw it and begged her mother to take her to the audition.

Her initial intention was simple – she just wanted to earn some pocket money.

In the end, her performance in the audition won widespread acclaim.

I believe that if you've seen this film, you'll definitely remember that scene.

Onstage, the boy puts headphones on Vica's ears,

In the midst of the jubilant crowd,

The two of them immerse themselves in their own world, dancing together.

The beauty of first love, misunderstandings, arising conflicts,

The precocity, innocence, and sensitivity of adolescence, all were portrayed by Sophie's youthful yet touching acting in "The Party".

She radiates a brilliant smile, exuding romance, with a touch of Eastern allure.

She's pure and lovely, warm and generous.

She's sensual and elegant, neither vulgar nor enchanting.


In the early hours of the morning, there's a special beauty on the sea's surface.

Stars sparkle in the sky, lights illuminate the surroundings, the sounds around are clamorous and lively, yet in the distance, there's serene silence.

A figure leans sideways, her hair gently brushing against her shoulders, partially tucked behind her head.

The off-the-shoulder dress can't conceal her shapely figure.


He says this.

As Sophie turns her head around, a bored man stands before her.

Her arms are crossed in front of her chest, her brow furrowed gently, her eyes carry an inquisitive look.

Clear and bright, there's a hint of unshakable melancholy deep within her gaze.

This is Lyman's first time seeing Sophie. Well, if we don't count seeing her in films.

"I really enjoyed the film you directed, "3 Idiots"," sensing who's approaching, Sophie offers a faint compliment.

It's the etiquette of being polite, and besides, she truly thought the film was well-made.

"Thank you. Let's formally introduce ourselves. I'm Lyman."

"Sophie." She extends her right hand proactively.

Lyman also extended his hand and shook hers.

The touch was fleeting, yet measured. But that sensation remained. Soft, comforting.

Observing her, there was a mature elegance about her, yet when she had just smiled, there was also a hint of youthfulness.

"I'll be there to support your new work tomorrow," Sophie brushed her hair gently, a touch of mature charm emanating once more.

"Lyman," suddenly, a voice filled with surprise rang out, yet upon closer inspection, it sounded more like a declaration of sovereignty.

Soon after, a familiar figure quickly approached.


Eva Green's gaze had been fixed on Lyman all along, watching him interact with the guests, hearing his laughter, watching him... him...

He went over to chat up a girl.

Hmph, a sharp glint entered Eva's eyes. Men are all such boors.

Tidying up her appearance a bit, she walked briskly towards them.

"Tap, tap—" her slender high heels tapped on the ground, exuding a unique charm.

Chest held high, hips swayed, a sweet smile began to bloom on her face, one that could charm the dead.


Lyman felt like the atmosphere suddenly shifted, ever since Eva walked over, Sophie's posture had become more upright.

Was it his imagination? Why did he feel like there was an air of tension, like a drawn sword, since Eva greeted with "Hello, Mme Marceau"?

Marceu? Madame?

Although she was already 36 this year, having a twenty-something young lady call her "Madame" seemed to be nothing amiss.

Hmph, there's nothing amiss, indeed.

Sophie smiled slightly.

This young girl sure sounds mature.

The two women stood facing each other, almost confrontational.

"This is Sophie Marceau, and this is Eva Green," Lyman felt a faint unease, but he still acted as a mediator and introduced the two.

"Of course I know Mme Marceau; she's a big star." Eva smiled sweetly, nodding towards the other woman.

Sophie's smile remained undiminished, gaining a touch of the aura that accompanies being a big star.

She glanced at Lyman, then at Eva, seeming to realize something and let go of her stance of hostility.

So she's quite jealous, interesting.

But the approach is rather childish.

Pitiable yet laughable.

Only after experiencing it can one understand.

Having been through an 18-year marriage with a man 26 years her senior, even the silliest woman will come to grasp the meaning of the word "emotion".

Watching Eva, she vaguely recalled her past.

Sophie shook her head slightly, dispersing untimely thoughts.

Titles like "Mme" didn't seem to matter much now.


What? Sophie? Calling her so sweetly? Eva shot a glare at the back of Lyman's head, inwardly noting this matter.

"I actually wanted to ask if you're available recently?"

Ah, are you inviting this woman to act in a movie? Noted.

"Do you have a script?" Regarding this matter, Sophie displayed an unsurprised expression. For a well-known actress like her, there would always be similar directorial invitations anywhere, anytime. But for her, it's simply about choosing. She loves her profession, but because of this love, she doesn't want to settle, she doesn't want to disappoint.

In short, she's very selective about projects.

Originally, Lyman hadn't planned to prepare for a new film, but for some reason, after seeing her, his mind involuntarily produced a few ideas.

In his past youth, he had marveled at Sophie's figure, unable to look away.

As he grew older, that inclination only grew stronger; now it was to the point where he appreciated her innocence, like in "The Party" like in "Fanfan".

People are strange like that.

The young yearn for maturity, but the mature yearn for youth.

For example, right now, Lyman felt an intense desire to shoot a romantic film.

Perhaps it was the exceptionally round moon tonight, perhaps he wanted to experience the sour sweetness of love's dog food.

Reflecting on his past life, he was quite the playboy, reaching his late twenties without ever having had a girlfriend.

His perception of love had long been smoothed by the reality of the entertainment industry.

Yet in her smile's reverie, he could feel that stunning Vic had returned.

He had always believed that although Sophie's on-screen image was diverse, what truly left an unforgettable mark were her innocent roles.

It seemed she possessed an innate girlish charm that people admired most.

"Lyman, are you planning to shoot a new film?" Eva seemed curious on the surface but was actually reminding him.

A new film? Of course.

However, he hadn't finalized any scripts yet.

But that didn't stop Lyman from sharing this idea.

With a serious expression and earnest gaze, he said, "The script isn't fully developed yet. Once things settle down a bit and the situation becomes clearer, I'll send you a draft to consider. I hope you can think about it more, and give me some time to clear my schedule."

Sophie hesitated for a moment and then said with a hint of hesitation, "I can't promise, but I currently have no plans to take on any movie projects."

"No need to force yourself. I just had this idea," Lyman spoke, "I just wanted an opportunity to collaborate."

Seeing Sophie's hesitant expression, Lyman added, "Don't worry, compensation won't be an issue. Of course, if you don't have the time, just let me know. It's not a big deal."


The night had grown deep, and the party had come to an end.

After bidding farewell to René, Thomas, and the others, Lyman got into the car with Eva and headed home.

This time they weren't staying in a hotel; Thomas and Wentworth were both staying at René's place.

His house was spacious enough, with plenty of rooms.

In the car, Eva wanted to start a conversation a few times.

But she didn't know how to initiate a topic.

While she was grappling with this, the car stopped.

The modest neighborhood remained as it was, unaffected by the film festival. The noise of the outside world seemed to be shut out.

Lyman, who had already drunk quite a bit, was finally able to relax, shedding his facade of a smile and revealing his exhaustion.

Eva gently supported him. He skillfully pulled out the key, walked up to the door, and although there was no light, he accurately inserted it into the lock.

Three rotations to the right, the door opened, and they entered.

The house looked the same as when he left a few days ago.

On the small coffee table, a few cans of coffee beans ground into powder were still present.

Lyman sat down on the sofa, rubbing his face vigorously, letting out a deep sigh.

This was the first time Eva had come to Lyman's house. In her joy, she had forgotten to ask about the movie.

Upon closer observation, everything exuded simplicity, much like his personality.

She boiled water and made a cup of coffee for him.

When it had cooled slightly, Lyman took a sip.

"Come over here."

Lyman's head was starting to ache, the aftereffects of the alcohol were kicking in.

Eva moved over, and he gently embraced her, tilting his head and burying it in her chest. It was very warm, and this position made him feel comfortable.

A pair of slightly cool hands lightly pressed on both sides of his forehead.

He counted and hummed in agreement.

"Do you blame me for not letting you take on the role in "The Dreamers"?" Eva hesitated for a moment, wondering why Lyman suddenly asked this.


Her answer was resolute.

"There's a new film, and you're going to collaborate with Sophie. Will you feel pressured?"

"Why are you asking like this?"

"You're the female lead, and I'm a bit concerned her presence might overshadow you."

After much contemplation, he always felt remorseful.

He wanted to love many people, but he also fantasized about being loved by one.

A contradiction? Perhaps.

Eva's lips curled up; the feeling of being cared for by someone intoxicated her.