Training and Quirk

__________TIMESKIP 1 YEAR__________

A year has passed since I came in this world, the first thing I did was going to the doctor and registering my quirk, I didn't really show all of its power, I may have left the fact that I couldn't really be damaged out of my official file, I also didn't mention that I could move at almost light speed.

The name of the quirk was 'Light' because I was feeling lazy that day, and its described as an emitter quirk that allows me to release light from different parts of my body.

Although it raised some queries, after a few questions my case was simply classified as a rare late awakening, It was just a clean-cut case so they didn't look further into it.

One thing I failed to realize when waking up was that I was really tall for a ten-year-old, I was around 1.7 meters, that was probably one of the reasons for my bullying, it was unusual after all.

I was tall and skinny, it was to be expected really, you can assume the old Allan wasn't really into weight training as a child, which left me looking like a small, skinnier version of slender man(with appropriately sized hands).

I have been training my power and body for a while now. I started training to strengthen my body a few weeks after coming here, after realizing that having a weak body somewhat limited both my haki and "quirk".

My stamina isn't endless. I can't use my powers too much without getting exhausted, in the beginning just turning parts of my body into light felt tiring, now I can do so easily. Creating strong explosions is still hard, I can only create small ones, even those can get tiring after a dozen or so beams.

I just did a simple exercise routine, mainly because I was never into exercise to begin with, I just did the standard, running, push-ups, squats, and so on. This helped me get a bit bulkier, not much, still an 11 year old after all.

Being an orphan means I didn't have access to any gym equipment, therefore, I couldn't do much weight training besides lifting garbage at the Dagobah Municipal Beach Park, I didn't attempt to clean it up, that isn't my job.

As I get more accustomed to my body my haki slowly expands, I am now able to cover around 100 meters at all times. I use it subconsciously, it has become the norm, since I never run out of willpower due to my strengthened soul.

After finishing my workout at the beach it was already dark, as I walk to the orphanage I can't help but think of the bullies I met when I first came to this world, I just scared them a bit and now they don't come anywhere near me.

I'm still an adult after all, can't go beating kids around. I just sent a small beam near them, I still couldn't cause huge explosions like Kizaru, I'm still working on that. The small beam still kicked up some dust and scared them away.

As I was reaching the street corner I heard a scream from a nearby alleyway.

'Oh well, it was bound to happen at some point.' It was still the MHA world, villains were common here. And walking around during the night is just asking for trouble.

As I walked into the narrow alleyway I could see a salary-man on the ground struggling while a four-armed villain was on top of him punching away. The villain clearly intending to continue until the victim stopped moving completely.

Now, I couldn't really ignore this, If a murder happened on my route police will start patrolling the area more frequently, that would make my quirk training difficult.

I simply raised my finger in the villain's direction and fired a beam of concentrated light into his back. It caused a small explosion, knocking him off his victim instantly. I was about to fire another one, but the man was already out cold apparently.

The salary-man was dazed and confused, he couldn't really see my face, so I just turned into a beam of light and escaped in between the buildings, going above would attract more attention to this place.

I didn't want to get arrested for using my quirk, but I still called the police at a nearby payphone and gave them the location of the villain. They would just pin this on a vigilante, it still brought less attention than murder.

I really didn't feel like sticking around, so I went to my dorm room and slipped into dreamland.