
When opening my eyes, I could see a familiar ceiling. It was dark, there was a faint whiteish light coming from the window, it was still night.

I didn't get up, I could feel some weight on my body. Looking down I could see little Eri just sleeping on my chest. Rumi was also using my arm as a pillow.

This is the first time all three of us sleep together. It's kind of nice honestly.

Seeing as how I wouldn't be able to extract myself out of that situation without waking them up I did the next best thing.

Closing my eyes I fell right back asleep. After all, how could I stay awake in this situation?

The next morning was different, both of them woke up before me. Leaving the room a bit empty for my taste. Going into the kitchen I could see Rumi cooking something up.

"Hey, what's for breakfast?" I said while rubbing the sleep off my face.

She turned, looked at me scornfully and said. "You've been out for 4 days and that's the first thing you say!?"

I had already assumed I had been sleeping for a while, awakening my fruit and using it while in that state might not have been a really good idea.

"Well, sorry for worrying you... How come you didn't take me to a hospital or something?" I was genuinely curious. I was expecting to wake up in a ward or something, although I only needed rest my condition was a bit odd.

"I just assumed you'd wake up sometime this week. If you didn't I would have called an ambulance or something." She probably assumed that with my strength getting injured would be difficult. Therefore she just let me rest for a while.

"That's nice, how about breakfast?" She just looked at me like I was an idiot.

"Steamed rice and Miso soup." She then gestured for me to sit down. Since Eri isn't where she should be at school already. Without me bringing her Aizawa should have been tasked to be her chauffeur, even more work for him.

"By the way, public opinion on you is going down the shitter." I just snapped my head at her. She just smirked and looked at my reaction.

What? I had just helped suppress the biggest prison breakout in japan and saved countless lives.

"What do you mean?" She then brought my laptop and put it on the table.

On it, I could see countless threads of people advocating for villain rights... Oh, so they're just idiots. Nothing to worry about. Even if they call for my impeachment the government still needs strong heroes.

It seems both Endeavor and I got the short end of the stick. Oh well, can't please them all. Next time a supervillain tries to destroy the city I might just let him.

As much as that thought put a smile on my face, there were still people that fully supported both me and Endeavor. Public opinion was as split as it can be. The government clearly supports us anyway.

I could see in an e-mail that I had to go to the police force and receive a medal. They also transferred a massive sum of money into the accounts of all the heroes present that day.

With me, All Might and Endeavor getting the biggest share. You can clearly see that they appreciated our actions that day. No matter how drastic they might've been.

Rumi just looked on at me as I scrolled through the comments.

"Quite a stupid argument right?" She seemed amused by my problem. The only reason she isn't concerned is that she knows how little public opinion matters to me at this point.

"Oh well, looks like I'm the new big baddie of the week." She just laughed at my sarcastic comment.

I could also see some messages from All Might, apologizing for the situation, even though it wasn't his fault, he probably felt guilty because he's the only one that didn't get any flak.

"Seems All Might is doing mighty fine." She looked at me, eyes filled with scorn, again.

"Why are you making dad jokes? You're 16-year-old!" That hit home. But two can play at that game.

"Well, since we've adopted Eri I obviously became a father." Slipping in the fact that we're basically married at this point seemed to embarrass her a bit.

She quickly changed the subject. "By the way, I called Nezu and told him about your condition."

"Figured as much, he'll probably make me work overtime for a while." Even though we were in the summer break, the school staff still had work to do, including me.

Summer break at hero schools is usually used for training camps anyway. And I've already missed the start of the first year training camp.

"That sounds like a 'you' problem." Right back to giving me sass huh? She didn't give me much time to respond as she pushed me out the door.

"All right, you've been lazing around the house for long enough." As she pushed me out the door.

"Go to work!" She said right before slamming the door in my face.

I stood there for a minute, the lazy smile on my face still present. I could feel her looking into the peephole.

After staying like that for a while she gave in. Opening the door and giving me a peck on the cheek.

"All right, I'm off!" We're my next words, as I took off flying to UA.

__________POV Rumi__________

This was a stressful 4 days for me. Having to watch him sleep and question how long it would take him to wake up...

Seeing him up and about made me smile a bit. Even with all the fatigue that had accumulated the past few days.

The way things developed in the past few days was infuriating for me. Nezu was just as mad as I was. I've been talking to Allan's boss since day one. Keeping him posted on his condition.

I could tell that he was growing more and more annoyed by the way some of the public was responding to the heroes actions.

Things could've been worse. At least the government wouldn't throw them under the bus.

Having to kiss Allan on the cheek was a bit embarrassing. It made my ears flop down a bit.

Now that I think about it... Didn't that bastard owe me a date?!


Eyy, bonus is here.

I had a test that I didn't know about today!!(kill me pls)

I see that last chap made a few ppl angry. I just thought that it made sense for ppl to interpret the situation differently.

Hope not too many ppl were turned off by that.
