Date Planning and Help

As the people were starting to leave the meeting room I quickly said.

"Wait!!" Everyone looked at me in wonder. I believe, they hadn't seen me this serious before.

Even Present Mic looked surprised. He had just returned from his check up on the summer class.

"What happened?" Even Nezu was intrigued. I urged everyone to take a seat. They did so curiously.

"I have an important request to make of you." Even Aizawa's back straightened out, he didn't enjoy my company. But he valued me as a colleague.

I never asked for anything, this made them feel something serious was coming up. Looking around the room, my tone set a severe atmosphere. They looked on expectantly.

Snipe could be seen waiting and tapping his finger on the table, while Cementoss gave me a weird look. Majima didn't give much of a reaction, I had asked him for things in the past after all. But to everyone else, this was new.

"I plan on borrowing the canteen for a romantic date with Rumi," Nezu smirked a bit.

In the room, I could hear a bang. As soon as I said that Toshinori banged his head on the table. Midnight released a squeal that I can only describe as sensual.

Lunch Rush just shrugged, he likely found this situation entertaining enough to remain seated.

Since it also concerned his part of the building it was also important that he remained.

Snipe took out his gun and shoot me in the head with a rubber bullet. I quickly hardened some light around my forehead as the bullet touched it. It looked like it bounced off my forehead, not even phasing me.

But it hit Cementoss, who got up and just left the room, Followed by Aizawa who didn't even bother to gaze in my general direction anymore.

Majima just started mumbling something about couples.

"Huh? What's wrong?" I said scratching my head. Toshi just sighed and shook his head.

Nezu seemed like he was having fun. Only he and Midnight seemed to enjoy this topic.

As Toshi just slumped in his chair. Snipe huffed and sat back down. He was still a nice person, always willing to help out a colleague.

"So, what's your plan exactly? It's the first time I've heard this type of request from an employee..." Nezu's smile was still present, but his sentence had a weird undertone at the end.

Did he forget I'm basically doing charity work here?

"I plan on having dinner there. I'll clean up the tables and stack them elsewhere-" Midnight was the one to interrupt me with a toothy grin.

"I can arrange some decor, I'll make sure to make it tasteful." Her smile was creeping me out. Thankfully Snipe came in and saved the day.

"I'll help keep her in check..." He was a true hero. Ectoplasm also offered to help put up the decor, since he can just use his clones for the handy work.

Recovery Girl also chimed in, "I'll just take care of Eri while you guys are having fun." She probably just wanted to spend more time with Eri.

Still, my smile got wider."I also hope on somehow closing the blinds on those huge windows. I hope Majima could help here..." I said looking at the man, he silently looked back.

Mic quickly came behind the unwilling participant and patted him on the back. "Of course we will!! Right, Majima?!"

At this point, he was just being peer pressured to help. So he just nodded at me with a hateful expression under his face mask.

"Great, thank you, guys!!" I simply said. The smile on my face was getting almost as big as All Mights.

"My last request... Teacher! Please cook for me on my date!" I took a perfect bow at a 90-degree angle. This was another skill I had picked up as a corporate rat.

Lunch Rush just said. "What? Did you expect me to leave my kitchen in your hands?!" His tone was one of mock anger. Smiling I thanked him politely.

The others looked flabbergasted, the only thought in their mind is 'Why didn't he also ask us nicely?' Toshinori was also an observer in this date debacle.

I suddenly look at him, I just remember, there was never any Missus Might in the show. Thinking on it, the guy was likely too engrossed in his job or something. But that didn't stop me from saying.

"You should also try to go on a date from time to time Toshi." It looked like I teleported to his side and put my hand around his shoulder.

"You should put your chiselled jawline to work and score something too." I could barely hold a straight face as these words came out of my mouth.

He was agape, most of the room sweat dropped while Midnight laughed out loud. The others just looked at their skinny colleague in pity.

Nezu looked on as if he was witnessing a show. He had just been watching this from the beginning, probably curious about what my brain could excrete on the planning board.

But he was still my boss and the principal of the school.

"I plan on having the date tomorrow? What do you think, Boss?" I only ever used the honorific with him when I was sucking up to him. This was similar in nature.

"Sure, you can use the canteen. But you will be responsible for putting everything back in place." I just nodded. It's normal for one to clean up after himself.

And just like that, we got to work, devising the best date venue we could.

Thirteen also ended up doing something, she helped Snipe hold Midnight's weirdness in check. She also added a bit of class to the room.

By the end, the walls were decorated nicely. A small table for two was in the middle. It looked almost regal, it also cost me a lot. I obviously paid for everything in here. The table and chairs were gold-plated for fuck sake.

From the entrance to the table, there was a dark red carpet. Again it was really fluffy and nice.

The glasses were gold-tinted, again. I'm sure I gave them a budget, they seem not to care much about it, unfortunately.

It's not like I lacked the money, just my last payout for the bridge situation could cover all of this and more. I was still reluctant about seeing the price of the stuff they purchased.

The only thing I didn't pay for was labour. That will never happen.

After a long day of work, the canteen was ready. Now all I needed to do was bring Eri home and extend the invitation for tomorrow.


That's all folks!

I was busy this morning so I didn't get to write much.

Hope you enjoyed it!

Patr.eon is 5 chaps ahead now btw.
