Chapter 5

Aria startles awake with a snort. Where am I? She wonders as she looks at the unfamiliar ceiling. Bits and pieces of the previous night flash through her memory. The last thing she can remember is a man driving her somewhere.

HAVE I BEEN KIDNAPPED? She jumps up in the bed and looks around. This isn't my house! "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!" She whisper shouts to herself as she takes in the strange room. Quietly she starts walking around the room planning her escape, okay if I can just maybe fake Stockholm syndrome perhaps I'll be able to but that would take too long- Should I just kill him? Mm...but that's a lot of work. Maybe I could shove this my foot up his-"Oh."

Aria stops pacing when she notices the things left on the side table. Slowly creeping up to the table she grabs the note and reads it.

"Don't freak out, you haven't been kidnapped. I work for the Pick me up company and your friend put in the wrong address, you were too drunk to tell me yours so I just brought you here. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I left the water and some meds to help with your hangover."


She lets out a sigh of relief which is quickly followed by more panic.

What if he's lying? Is this some kind of new kidnapper tactic?

She walks out of the room slowly and tiptoes around the apartment. Clean, and modestly decorated. Is that bacon? Sniffing the air, she practically floats towards the smell like a cartoon character. Standing in the kitchen entrance she spots the back of the possible kidnapper as he cooks something on the stove. Boldly taking a step into the kitchen she squares her shoulders ready for a fight.

"Hello...You." Her eyes study him suspiciously as he turns around. She looks around the kitchen for a weapon if needed and spots a wooden board sitting to her left, perfect. The man says nothing as he sips from his mug and plates the food. Her mouth waters slightly at the sight. Be strong Aria!

"Oh you're still here.." the man starts. What does he mean by that, does he let all his victims go? She raises an eyebrow. This must be reverse psychology, making her think she's free to leave whenever but tempt her with a delicious plate of food. I bet if I checked that door it would be locked! She narrows her eyes at the man. She makes her way to the plate and sits down in front of it ready to eat the poisoned food- "Uh what are you doing?" The man looks at her confused. "Since you're awake now, can you leave?" He bluntly says as he grabs the plate from her hands.

"Wh- I- You-" She stumbles over her words while watching him begin eating.

"Wow, even my kidnapper doesn't want me.." She stares at the food mumbling to herself, "All men are the same.." Aria crosses her arms and gets up. "Fine! If you're really from the Pick Me Up company then show me some ID or-!" Before she could finish her sentence he holds up his identification. "Oh..."

"Well, I'll be on my merry way then, sorry being a bother..ha..ha." She awkwardly rushes to the room to grab the rest of her stuff and spots her phone. Why didn't I see that earlier? Stupid! If I really was kidnapped he wouldn't have left me my phone, she hits herself on the back of her head. Before leaving she pops her head into the kitchen, "Thanks for not...Kidnapping me! Bye!" Aria heads for what she assumes is the front door and to her surprise, it was actually unlocked.

You may be thinking, there could've been a better way to handle the situation than to take her to his apartment and how did that even make sense? Well, Aria did not call the Pick Me Up using her own account. It was a secondary pick up meaning he did not have her address and could only rely on the information given by the person who made the request. However had it been her account, the app is set up in a way that you can have a set "Home" destination. This situation however has shown him that this method does not work for secondary pick-ups requested by people not close enough to know the person's address. This is where his proposal comes in. The man pulls out his laptop and begins typing up a newfound solution which includes a possible safe house where people could be dropped off if their address is not known.

I don't know I'm not an expert, I'm watching this all play out just like you. I don't even know this guy's name yet so we'll see what happens.



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